Graduate school students hone their skills in an interdisciplinary environment. In the advanced stages of their studies, students conduct research interacting with accomplished professors, scholars and scientists.

Facts & Figures

Graduate Schools
Graduate Students
Graduate Students of International Students
(As of May 2024)

Graduate Schools

Graduate School of Science

Established in 1958, the Graduate School of Science has the longest history of all of the Graduate Schools at this university. It has produced many Masters of Science and Doctors of Science who play a pivotal role in the development of science and technology in industry, academia and government.

Graduate School of Engineering

The Graduate School of Engineering fosters researchers and engineers who possess creativity and a superior capacity for technological development.

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

In the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, research is carried out based on the 4 pillars of "biopharmaceutical science," "drug discovery science," "environmental and health science" and "medical and pharmaceutical science," based on the concept of "comprehensive information relating to drugs (pharmacoinformatics)."

Graduate School of Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Science and Technology is regarded highly in various fields for encompassing academic fields covering the essence of "science" and "engineering" in a well-balanced manner and for sending competent human resources off into society.

Graduate School of Advanced Engineering

The Graduate School of Advanced Engineering aims to implement research and education on a global level, and strives to foster human resources in the field of engineering who pave the way for the next generation.

Graduate School of Management

The Graduate School of Management takes advantage of its management characteristics and emphasizes the fundamentals of science and engineering as well as information technology.

Graduate School of Biological Sciences

The Graduate School of Biological Sciences carries out research centering on themes that are gathering attention throughout the world, such as molecular biology, immunobiology, bioinformatics, life-science technology and chronobiology.