For the Tokyo University of Science to build on its tradition of the "Principle of Achieving Excellence" and continue to innovate and develop in response to changes in social conditions, it is carving out a new future of education and research under the banner of "Tokyo University of Science -A university acknowledged by the world-" This is a new image for TUS which has exhaustively examined what constitutes the ideal education and research environment for fostering students who will exhibit leadership on a global stage.

Development of World-Class


High-Quality Specialized Knowledge and a Well-rounded Education

In the fields of science and technology, we equip students with basic skills which will enable them to become world-class professionals.


Development of International Competitiveness

TUS is engaged in innovative changes towards providing world-class education to meet the needs of globalization and is fostering students capable of playing a role on the world stage.


Tokyo University of Science's Unique Research Skills

We will globally promote "Only at TUS research" and use our high-quality research environment to develop students with proficient research skills.

Learning Steps

The "skills to be acquired" by students are clearly established for each year. The "layer of learning", which comprises Specialized Science Education and Liberal Arts Education, will grow thicker steadily, and will support you as a firm foundation.

Specialized Science Education

Specialized science education at the Tokyo University of Science aims to "Cultivate the capability of autonomous research and development".
They gradually explore their own methods of resolution, and engage in research while developing experimental and analytical methods which suit their own style.

Liberal Arts Education

"Liberal Arts Education aims to nurture an open-minded perspective", in cooperation with cutting-edge specialized education. It further aims to train scientists, engineers and teachers who have a sense for correct ethics, a deeply human character, and an international mind.


1st Year

First-Year Education
Cultivating a Mindset of Thorough Learning of Basic Academic Skills
At this university, we place particular emphasis on first-year education as the foundation for studying specialist fields. To that end we offer a curriculum which enables students to acquire adequate basic academic skills. Tokyo University of Science also has an established reputation for its wide-ranging experiment-based and practical education. While mastering report writing, students will have the opportunity to refine their basic skills in experiments and analytical methods.

2nd Year

Learning Special Basic Skills
Experiments and Practical Studies Driven by Curiosity
From the second year, students undertake a broad study of special basic subjects in research fields which will take them into research laboratories in various departments. There are numerous departments which spend a lot of time in experimental and practical education in specialized fields, and through this practical work students will acquire a variety of special foundation skills including experimental techniques, report writing, and thinking and analytical skills.

3rd Year

Reinforcing Specialist Fields
Learning Through Systematic Study of Specialized Subjects
Fundamental specialized knowledge acquired from the second year is gradually linked to a diverse range of special third-year subjects where students encounter the fun of gradually organizing their knowledge. Within this process, students start to discern the fields they personally prefer, and in the latter half of their third year they decide on the lab where they will pursue their research in the fourth year.

4th Year

Engaging in Research
Acquiring the Innate Qualities of a Researcher, Engineer and Educator
Full-fledged research starts from the fourth year. Students select their research topics, undertake a literature search and engage in a cycle of experiments, analyses and evaluations before writing their graduation thesis as a culmination of their four years of study. The research laboratory represents a microcosm of society where students can acquire naturally the innate qualities required of a member of society, and the learning mindset of researchers, engineers and educators.

Research Life

The Tokyo University of Science has over 360 research laboratories where a variety of approaches are being undertaken from individual perspectives. It is predominantly from the fourth year when we concentrate on research life and on showing students what kind of places research laboratories are, and how students go about research.

April to

Basic knowledge Acquisition in the Research Field / Research and Experiment Design

Students decide the direction of their graduation thesis research topic. They consult staff and set their own topic. There are also students who elect to continue the research that has been undertaken for several years by a particular research laboratory. They conduct their research by first acquiring science foundation knowledge of the topic and making a survey of local and overseas literature, including fields that are peripheral to the topic.

July to

Final Determination of Research Topic and Commencement of Experiments

Students learn how to conduct simultaneous research where on the experimental side, they repeat experiments and analyses in accordance with an experiment plan, and on the theory and investigation side, they conduct simulations and field surveys. During this period, students are often seen accompanying their professors and participating in local and international academic conferences in order to broaden their perspectives and experience.

October to

Interim Reporting Sessions for Evaluation, Analysis and Discussion of Research

These interim presentations are marked by the frank exchange of opinions and questions about the research from staff, graduate school students and fellow students. Students undertake rigorous preparation for these presentations to ensure that they are not at a loss for answers. The issues raised at these presentations are taken into account as they continue their research towards their final graduation thesis submission.

January to

Submission of Graduation Thesis

Graduation theses are usually submitted between January and early February. Students make a final push towards submission. After submission of the thesis, they are able to savor the reward and sense of achievement of their year of effort. Some students who plan to continue with postgraduate studies in the same research laboratory regard this as an interim step towards graduate research.


A Richly Original Life of Research

The one thing that is most required in postgraduate studies is research originality. Students conduct research and development while acquiring high-level specialist skills and developing their own unique experimental and analytical methods which will enable them to make new propositions to society. In the Graduate Schools of the Tokyo University of Science, research is constantly conducted with the aim of "creating science and technology".