Facts & Figures

Graduate Students
(As of May 2024)

The Graduate School of Engineering is comprised of 5 departments (Architecture, Industrial Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Information and Computer Technology and Mechanical Engineering). Considering today's diversification of applicants to graduate schools, we have introduced an on-campus recommendation admission system for high-achieving students who are expected to graduate from the Faculty of Engineering, expanded the acceptance limit for master's students, being the first among the Graduate Schools to implement a special screening system for working people, including the special selection system for working adults and the introduction of day and night courses, and has responded quickly to various needs. Currently, the number of applicants is 290 for master's courses and 17 for doctoral courses in five majors, and we accept many graduate students mainly for master's courses every year. This graduate school responds to the demands of society and carries out basic and pioneering research. It also considers not only academic conferences held domestically but also international conferences held overseas as places for presenting research results in order to foster positivity. In addition, we have set up joint research projects within the Graduate School to develop human resources with advanced research and excellent technological development capabilities.


1. The objective of the master's course is to cultivate human resources who have acquired specialized knowledge and skills that serve as the foundation for each of the departmental fields, as well as the ethics and common sense required of engineers, and who possess the ability to undertake professions that require research abilities and advanced expertise in specialized fields, with specialized and generalized education in the Faculty of Engineering as the foundation.
2. The objective of the doctoral course is to foster human resources who possess the knowledge and ability to be able to undertake creative and independent research activities, who can be successful researchers on an international level, and who have leadership skills, through practice of research activities in their departmental field.