The Department of Pharmacoscience cultivates well-rounded, highly ethical graduates who have a deep understanding of pharmaceutical science, from basic to specialized knowledge, as well as education in a diverse range of related areas, like drug discovery, with the goal of producing researchers, technical experts and others capable of solving problems in ways that meet the diverse needs of society. In addition to Drug Discovery Science and Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, another key major in the Department of Pharmacoscience is Medicinal Science, which focuses on such topics as drug toxicity and environmental impact.

List of Research Areas and Faculty Members

Major Name Title Research Area
Drug Discovery Science AOKI Shin Professor Bio-related chemistry,
Chemical pharmacy
UCHIRO Hiromi Professor Chemical pharmaceutical science,
Drug development chemistry
GOTO Satoru Professor Physical pharmaceutical science
WADA Takeshi Professor Chemical pharmaceutical science
YOKOYAMA Hideshi Professor Physical Biochemistry
KUSAMORI Kosuke Associate Professor Biopharmaceutics, Bioengineering
AKITA Tomomi Junior Associate Professor Physical pharmaceutical science
MORI-YASUMOTO Kanami Junior Associate Professor Natural products chemistry
Pharmaceutical Life Sciences AKIMOTO Kazunori Professor Cancer science
UCHIUMI Fumiaki Professor Biological system pharmaceutical
OGIHARA Takuo Professor Development for Drug Discovery Resources
HAYATA Tadayoshi Professor Developmental biology Orthopaedic surgery Functional basic dentistry
Higami Yoshikazu Professor Biomedical Gerontology
Molecular Pathology and Metabolism
KAMBAYASHI Atsushi Associate Professor Data Science and Mathematical Modeling in Pharmaceutical Sciences
HARADA Yohsuke Associate Professor Cellular and molecular immunology
Medicinal ScienceMIYAZAKI Satoru Professor Applied genome Science
SHIMADA Shuji Associate Professor Clinical pharmaceutical science
KAWANO Yohei Junior Associate Professor Pharmacotherapeutics
FUJIE Tomoya Junior Associate Professor Environmental and hygienic pharmacy
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