At TUS, we take great pride in our broad purview and illustrious history, remaining fully committed to our mission of education and research to improve the world through science and technology.

Educational Principles

Our students acquire a broad and well-rounded knowledge base, creativity, mindful growth through self-discipline, and developing the capacity to understand the world.

Undergraduate School

The undergraduate program fosters students with a solid foundation in specific disciplines for future development and success.

Some undergraduate programs have classes on the Japanese language and on Japan.
International students can earn credits by taking these classes.

Graduate School

Graduate school students hone their skills in an interdisciplinary environment. In the advanced stages of their studies, students conduct research interacting with accomplished professors, scholars and scientists.

Organization for Advancement
of Internationalization

TUS is moving ahead with the internationalization of students, teaching staff and general staff by implementing new measures with the objective of transforming TUS to "A university acknowledged by the world".

Center for Recurrent Education

TUS Open College

TUS Open College offers meaningful lectures for people who want to continue working throughout their lives, people who want to brush up their knowledge and insights as working adults, and people who want to enhance their education.


Tokyo University of Science has five libraries in each campus. The university has a collection of about Approx. 900,000 volumes-one of the largest collections among engineering universities in Japan. TUS also lends out more books than any other science and engineering university in the country, with a total of nearly 220,000 volumes checked out each year.