Facts & Figures

(As of May 2024)

Cultivating pharmacists who have a heart for humanity and a passion for learning and researchers who will advance the frontiers of drug discovery

The fundamental focus of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to produce outstanding graduates who want to “protect the health of humanity through the use of molecular medicine.” The goal of the Department of Pharmacy is to “produce pharmacists who have a heart for humanity and a passion for learning,” while the Department of Medicinal and Life Sciences seeks to “produce researchers and technicians who will advance the frontiers of drug discovery.” The shared goal of both departments is to produce graduates who are highly knowledgeable, ethical and possessing a deep humanity and who will be at the forefront of developing pharmaceutical science as a comprehensive life science protecting the health of humanity and helping to overcome disease.

Towards this end, both the Department of Pharmacy and the Department of Medicinal and Life Sciences use biology, chemistry, physics, and informatics as a common foundation upon which to pursue the integrated development of Drug Discovery Science, Life Pharmacy, Environmental / Sanitary Pharmacy and Medical / Information Pharmacy. Through its education and research curriculum, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to equip students with the specialized knowledge they need in order to comprehensively understand the relationship between life and molecular medicine, as well as to cultivate their ability to identify, define and solve problems.

Message from the Dean

Education which encompasses all fields connected with pharmaceuticals in order to facilitate a broad range of careers from a global perspective

For many people, when they hear “pharmaceutical science,” the first words that come to mind are “drug discovery” and “pharmacist.” However, such a predictably uniform image does not apply to pharmaceutical science studies at the Tokyo University of Science. The study of pharmaceutical science is, quite simply, the study of the “pharmaceutical life cycle,” encompassing everything from the study of disease mechanisms and bodily systems which takes place prior to drug development to the study of drug side effects and drug interactions, as well as the effects after drug ingestion. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences is divided into the Department of Pharmacy six-year course of study and the Department of Medicinal and Life Sciences four-year course of study; however, both of these are of similar size and scope and serve mutually reinforcing functions which facilitate research activities. This is a distinctive strength of pharmaceutical science studies at the Tokyo University of Science and is a key reason for the superior quality of the graduates we produce. We also take advantage of the fact that the Tokyo University of Science has no medical school by strengthening our collaborative relationships which multiple universities’ hospitals. Students are provided opportunities from a variety of perspectives to learn about the essential roles pharmaceuticals play in health care settings. Moving forward, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences will continue developing its curriculum model to incorporate courses which are more defined and tailored to the specific goals and future ambitions of students. In addition, with the aim of increasing our international profile and involvement for the sake of cultivating graduates capable of succeeding on the global stage, we are looking into overseas training programs as well as developing an environment which allows students to actively challenge themselves through study abroad and other opportunities. Pharmaceutical science is much more than just an academic discipline that people study if they want to become pharmacists. Pharmaceutical science is for those who want to forge their own, distinctive career path which incorporates a comprehensive understanding of pharmaceuticals across a diverse array of fields.


Dean, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences