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Cultivate Human Resources Who Have Acquired Advanced, Specialized Knowledge On Top of Sufficient Basic Scholastic Ability, and Who Possess a Strong Sense of Ethics and Abundant Human Qualities
The basic philosophy of the Faculty of Science Division II is the "advancement of science," which has been the spirit of the university ever since its foundation, and "Achieving Excellence", which is an educational policy for enabling only students who have acquired true merit to graduate. The university has a history of 140 years, going back to education based on evening classes at the time of its establishment as the Tokyo Butsurigaku Koshujo (Tokyo Academy of Physics). This represents the history itself of the Faculty of Science Division II, and this mentality is still carried on today. In Japan, which has adopted the slogan of being a "science and technology-oriented country" and orients the development of the country and global contribution as its targets, science which is the foundation of science and technology, is taking an increasingly important position.

The meaning of the spirit behind the "advancement of science" still stands today. What makes the Faculty of Science Division II different from Division I is simply the fact that classes are held in mainly in the evenings. Accordingly, the educational goal of this faculty is the same as that of Division I, which is "cultivation of human resources who have acquired advanced specialized knowledge on top of sufficient fundamental scholastic ability, and who possess a strong sense of ethics and abundant human qualities that are backed by an enriched education."