Facts & Figures
- Departments
- 5
- Students
- 1,927
- Laboratories
- 58
Cultivating graduates capable of finding solutions to global challenges Delivering innovation through multidisciplinary versatility
In order to clearly establish our identity as a faculty which creates novel value from advanced and integrated fields of study, the Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology changed its name in April 2021 to the “Faculty of Advanced Engineering.” In conjunction with this, starting in the 2021 academic year, students will spend their first through fourth years at the Katsushika Campus where an integrated, four-year course of study is being implemented. Our aim is to “cultivate graduates capable of producing the technological innovations” needed to address increasingly complex and diverse challenges on a global scale, and we seek to achieve this by developing an ever more creativity-rich educational environment. On the one hand we have the threads of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other basic sciences as “warp.” We seek to weave these together with those of advanced engineering, including electronics, materials science, biological science, mechanical engineering and information and computer technology as “weft.” Through the application of “design thinking,” we seek to organically integrate these different domains to create a fertile “field of interdisciplinary innovation” from which altogether new ideas and technologies for addressing challenges will emerge. The Faculty of Advanced Engineering is comprised of three departments: the Department of Applied Electronics, which pursues research into ICT systems, electronic devices and other areas, the Department of Materials Science and Technology, which focuses on novel materials and environmental and energy-related applications, and the Department of Biological Science and Technology, which seeks to contribute to the advancement of biotechnology. A defining characteristic of the Faculty of Advanced Engineering is its emphasis on “education and research that transcends disciplines.” Two new departments will be established in the 2023 academic year: the Department of Physical Engineering* and the Department of Functional Design Engineering*. These will further enhance the Faculty’s capacity for communicating innovation.
*Details of the Department of Physical Engineering and Department of Functional Design Engineering are currently under discussion and may be subject to change at a later date.