Machinery is the foundation of all artificial material that human beings create, and mechanical engineers should constantly think about how machines should be used to contribute to better lives for human beings, rather than being limited to simply thinking about "machines." The Department of Mechanical Engineering aims to cultivate human resources who can comprehend the essence of problems and come up with paths for how to resolve such problems on their own and to contribute to the development of human society by producing many engineers who can support the infrastructure of an advanced technological society.

Research Groups & Research Areas

  • Mechanical Dynamics

    All machinery produces vibrations and noise. Vibrations and noise are extremely important not only in mechanical engineering but also in the fields of civil engineering and construction. Mechanical dynamics is the field which is concerned with the study of this vibration and noise.

    Strength of Materials

    When an object is significantly deformed or locally deformed, the force per unit area will increase, which may cause the object to break. This field clarifies the degree of deformation or how forces act on an object, to prevent such a state from occurring.


    When a rocket is flying or an automobile is traveling, heat generated by the combustion of fuel is changed into a fluid motion, and this is what we utilize. Further, heat and fluids play an important role in global warming phenomena.

    Fluid Mechanics

    We are living together with water and air. The scientific area conducting research on the flows of water and air is called fluid mechanics. Being closely related to blood flow and environmental problems, it is an old and yet new field which has impacted mankind throughout history.

    Asakura Research Group / Muraoka Research Group / Okada Research Group / Takahashi Research Group / Tsukahara Research Group / Ueno Research Group

  • Aerospace

    We aim to realize a reusable space transport machine in order to create an era in which anyone can go to space. It is necessary to design the airframe based on high-speed aerodynamics and build various systems.

    Material Sciences

    This area uncovers the microscopic structures and properties of materials. The "material" forming a product is indispensable for industrial development, and material sciences are required not just for mechanical engineering but for engineering in general.

    Fujikawa Research Group / Matsuzaki Research Group / Ogasawara Research Group / Ogihara Research Group

  • Design Engineering

    Mechanical design is a comprehensive study of machinery. Knowledge of design drawings and mechanical elements such as bearings is mandatory in mechanical design. To be able to design smooth moving machines, it is also very important to understand friction, wear, and lubrication (tribology).

    Intelligent Mechanics

    Satellites, aircraft, automobiles, information devices, medical devices, robots and all other mechanical systems and equipment that humanity hopes to automate are collectively known as “intelligent machines.” Researchers in this field seek to understand and explain natural phenomena so that this knowledge can be applied to building and automating intelligent machines beneficial to our daily life.

    Material Processing

    Machine material processing is research on manufacturing products suitable for the electronic age, by producing components by casting metal materials, working plastics by use of a press, removal machining such as lathe turning, heat treatment, coating and plating, and assembly of components by use of welding or bolts.

    Arai Research Group / Hayase Research Group / Noguchi Research Group / Takemura Research Group

List of Faculty Members

Name Title Research Area Keyword
HAYASE Masanori Professor Production engineering/Processing studies MEMS, Micro Machining, Fuel cells, Plating, Electrochemistry
MATSUZAKI Ryosuke Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials Composite Materials, Smart Materials and Structure, Functional Materials
NOGUCHI Shoji Professor Design engineering/Machine functional elements/Tribology Rollong Bearing, Tribology, Precision Measurement
OGASAWARA Ko Professor Fluid engineering High Speed Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics
OGIHARA Shinji Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials
Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering
Aerospace engineering
Mechanics of Composite Materials
Mechancal Properties in Composite Materials
Materials/Structures for Aerospace Applications
Okada Hiroshi Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials Finite Elemenet Method, Fracture Mechanics, Simulation
TAKAHASHI Akiyuki Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials Computational Mechanics, Materials Strength, Mechanics of Materials
TAKEMURA Hiroshi Professor Perceptual information processing Robotics, Gait Analysis, Human Modeling
TSUKAHARA Takahiro Professor Fluid engineering
Thermal engineering
Turbulence, Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Turbulent heat transfer
UENO Ichiro Professor Thermal engineering Interfacial Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
ARAI Shogo Associate Professor Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
ASAKURA Takumi Associate Professor
MURAOKA Masahiro Associate Professor Fluid engineering
FUJIKAWA Takahiro Junior Associate Professor Aerospace engineering Future Space Transportation System, Optimization, Guidance and Control
ARAKI Ryo Assistant Professor Mathematical physics/Fundamental condensed matter physics
Fluid engineering

HIRANO Atsuo Assistant Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials Finite element method, molecular dynamics
MOHAMMAD FIKRY Assistant Professor Materials/Mechanics of materials
Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering

YAMAMOTO Masataka Assistant Professor Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Medical systems
Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering

Information on Career Paths

  • Graduate School
  • Machinery and Appliances
  • Information Industry
  • Miscellaneous Services
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade
  • Lifestyle and Related Services, Entertainment Industry
  • Electronic Parts
  • Civil Servant
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Other (Persons Planning on Continuing Education, Studying Abroad, etc.)
(As of March 2024)