2024.7.21 - 2024.7.26
Judge of Poster Competition
2024.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Subcommittee on Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 102nd Committee (Year 2024) of JSME Certificaiton Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers
2024.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Subcommittee on Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 102nd Committee (Year 2024) of JSME Certificaiton Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers
2024.4.1 - 2026.3.31
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2024.1.1 - 2025.7.31
11th International Symposium of Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT'25)
Executive Committee
2023.4.1 - 2024.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Member, General Affairs Committee 2022, JSME Fluid Engineering Division
2023.4.1 - 2024.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Group Leader, Working Group for Academic Meetings 2022, JSME Fluid Engineering Division
2023.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2023.4.1 - 2024.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Subcommittee on Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 101st Committee (Year 2023) of JSME Certificaiton Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers
2023.1.1 - 2023.12.31
The 9th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT2023)
International Advisory Committee
2023.1.1 - 2023.12.31
ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division 2023 (AJKFED2023)
JSME FED Advisory Board
2022.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Working Group for Academic Meetings 2022, JSME Fluid Engineering Division
2022.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Subcommittee on Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 100th Committee (Year 2022) of JSME Certificaiton Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers
2022.4.1 - 2024.3.31
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2021.10.1 - 2022.8.31
The 15th World Congress on Computation Mecchanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computation Mechanics (WCCM-APCOM2022)
Mini-symposium Organizer
2021.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
Editorial Committee
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
2021.4.1 - 2022.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Member, Working Group for Academic Meetings 2021, JSME Fluid Engineering Division
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
Editorial Board Member
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Management Committee (Year 2021-2022), JSME Thermal Engineering Division
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
99th-100th Committee (Year 2021-2022), JSME Certificaiton Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Management Committee (Year 2021-2022), JSME Computational Mechanics Division
2021.4.1 - 2022.7.31
Twelfth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12)
Program subcommittee
2021.3.1 - 2021.12.31
The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2021
International Advisory Committee
2020.10.1 - 2021.9.30
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2020.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
2020.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2020.4.1 - 2021.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
General Manager, Seminar WG, Technical Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2020.4.1 - 2022.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2020.4.1 - 2021.9.30
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2020.4.1 - 2022.3.31
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2020.1.1 - 2023.9.30
10th International Symposium of Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT10)
Scientific Advisory Committee
2019.10.1 - 2020.7.31
The 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM-ECCMAS2020)
Mini-symposium Organizer
2019.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
2019.4.1 - 2021.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2019.4.1 - 2019.7.24
14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2019)
Technical Program Committee
2019.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2019.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2019.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
General Manager, Seminar WG, Technical Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2018.4.1 - 2022.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2018.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Executive Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2018.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Visualization Society of Japan
2018.4.1 - 2019.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary General, Seminar WG, Technical Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2018.4.1 - 2019.12.31
Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2019
Local Organizing Committee
2018.4.1 - 2019.3.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
2018.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2018.4.1 - 2019.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2017.10.1 - 2018.7.31
The 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM13)
Mini-symposium Organizer
2017.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2017.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2017.1.1 - 2017.12.31
Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2017
International Advisory Committee
2016.10.1 - 2018.3.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
2016.10.1 - 2017.9.30
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2016.4.1 - 2017.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2016.4.1 - 2018.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Working Group for Seminars, Technical Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2016.4.1 - 2018.3.31
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2015.6.1 - 2017.10.31
The Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC9)
International Advisory Committee
2015.4.1 - 2020.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2015.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Editorial Committee of MECH-A-LIFE, JSME
2015.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Chair, Publicity Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2015.3.9 - 2020.3.31
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Editorial Board Members
2014.8.1 - 2015.11.30
Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2015
International Advisory Committee
2014.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2014.4.1 - 2017.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2014.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Executive Committee, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2014.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2014.4.1 - 2016.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2013.4.1 - 2017.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2013.4.1 - 2015.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Publicity Committee FY2013-FY2014, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2013.2 - 2013.11
The 24th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena
Local committee
2011.4.1 - 2013.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2010.10.23 - 2010.10.24
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2010.4.1 - 2011.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Secretary, Publicity Committee 2010, JSME Fluids Engineering Division
2009.10.31 - 2009.11.1
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2009.10.1 - 2011.10.31
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
Local committee of ASCHT11 (Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2011)
2009.9.26 - 2015.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2009.4.1 - 2010.3.31
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2008.11.15 - 2008.11.16
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2008.6 - 2008.8
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
2007.5 - 2008.5
The Heat Transfer Society of Japan