Information science in the Department of Information Sciences is comprised of the 3 fields of "basic mathematical information," which handles "information" related to various nature, social and human phenomena in a mathematical manner with mathematics as the basis, "applied mathematical information," which handles basic mathematical information in a practical manner, and "computer science," which handles systems that process information; the aim of this department is to foster the ability to quantify information and carry out scientific analysis.

Research Groups & Research Areas

  • Basic Mathematical Information

    Mathematical information is an area of study focused on information technology and its accompanying mathematics. It is concerned not only with addressing social challenges through the application of mathematical ideas accrued over millennia of human history, it is also used in conjunction with the field of information science to come up with entirely new mathematical approaches and methods. Students in basic informatics and mathematics will study information communications and information security technology theory as it pertains to quantum information, graph theory, cryptographic theory and other topics.

    Iriyama Research Group / Miyamoto Research Group / Noguchi Research Group / Tahata Research Group

  • Information and Data Science

    Information and data science is an area which holds great promise for society in its ability to use the diverse abundance of information (data) saturating our world to create new knowledge and value. Researchers develop new data analysis methods backed by correct mathematics which are applied in a broad range of areas, including public data, genomics data, health care data, and sports data, to elucidate new, scientifically grounded findings.

    Ando Research Group / Ishii Research Group / Miyamoto Research Group / Sato Research Group / Tahata Research Group

  • Computer Science

    The field of computer science is focused on creating mathematical models and developing technologies that will enable computers to be used in addressing a variety of modern challenges. Students will learn about VR/MR/AR, musical, audio and video media processing technology, computer networks, artificial intelligence, programming language theory and much more.

    Katsurada Research Group / Matsuzawa Research Group / Ohmura Research Group / Takimoto Research Group

List of Faculty Members

Name Title Research Area Keyword
KATSURADA Kouichi Professor Perceptual information processing Speech processing, Facial image processing, Dialogue system
MIYAMOTO Nobuko Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics Discrete mathematics: Combinatorial designs and their applications
TAHATA Kouji Professor Statistical science
Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics
Categorical Data Analysis
Analysis for square contingency tables
TAKIMOTO Munehiro Professor Software code optimization and parallelization
MATSUZAWA Tomofumi Associate Professor Information network
Intelligent informatics
Soft computing
Communication/Network engineering
Internet, Adhoc Networks, Support for Disaster Recovery, ICN
Autonomous Agent, AI for Games, Natural Language Processing
Machine (Deep) Learning, Genetic Algorithm, Swarm Intelligence
IP Routing, TCP/IP Protocol Stack, LAN, Multicasting, Cryptographic Communication
NOGUCHI Kenta Associate Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics Graph Theory
Sato Keiko Associate Professor Life/Health/Medical informatics Bioinformatics, Biological Data Analysis, Mathematical Models in Evolutionary Processes
ANDO Shuji Junior Associate Professor Statistical science
Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics

Analysis of contingency tables
ISHII Aki Junior Associate Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics High-dimensional statistical analysis
OHMURA Hidefumi Junior Associate Professor
EGASHIRA Kento Assistant Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics High-dimensional statistical analysis
JIMBO Koki Assistant Professor
MOMOZAKI Tomotaka Assistant Professor Computational science
Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics
Bayesian inference, Bayesian modeling, Computational Statistics
Bayesian inference; Biostatistics; Categorical data analysis
SAWADA Shun Assistant Professor Cognitive science
Perceptual information processing
Intelligent informatics
Entertainment and game informatics

Music information processing

TAGA Shohei Assistant Professor Computer system evacuation support system
YAMAGUCHI Hikaru Assistant Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics Mathematical Statistics

Information on Career Paths

  • Graduate School
  • Information Industry
  • Professional and Technical Services
  • Electronic Parts
  • Academic research institutes
  • Machinery and Appliances
  • Other Manufacturing Industries
  • Transport and Postal Activities
  • Construction
  • Other (Persons Planning on Continuing Education, Studying Abroad, etc.)
(As of March 2024)