The study of mathematics has a long history which extends far back into antiquity. However, research into mathematics does not proceed like an orderly set of integers; new eras bring new ideas and innovations. Mathematics is a living, deeply fascinating discipline which gives rise to novel and unexpected discoveries. Over the years, the Department of Mathematics has sent a great many math teachers out into society, and it offers a teacher training curriculum tailored to the needs of students interested in a teaching career. In response to the rapid growth of computer and information-related industries in recent years, the Department has also been augmenting its educational curriculum to help students cultivate the sort of quick adaptability necessary for success in the business world.

Research Groups & Research Areas

  • Algebra

    The origins of algebra lie in the study of numbers, with its development coming from abstraction in the study of arithmetic sets. Algebra is the foundation of such research areas as group theory, ring theory and organization theory, which it continues to impact and be impacted by today.

    Kida Research Group / Kunugi Research Group / Yoshikawa Research Group

  • Geometry

    Modern geometry is divided into a variety of fields, including differential geometry, which makes use of calculus, complex geometry, which deals with the world of complex numbers, and topology, which deals with soft shapes, and it continues to develop today while being influenced by theoretical physics.

    Koike Research Group / Oyamaguchi Research Group / Yamakawa Research Group

  • Analysis

    The beginnings of analysis can be found with Archimedes, but it was after the birth of calculus in the 17th century that this area fully developed. Today, calculus is used to solve various problems, and is applied in a wider field than normal functions.

    Kato Research Group / Ohta Research Group / Tanaka Research Group / Yokota Research Group

  • Probability Theory / Statistics

    Even if a phenomenon appears to be chaotic at first glance, some regularity may be found if it occurs for many times, and this can be used for surveys and forecasts. Further, for Brownian motion and the like, which are constantly subjected to a chaotic force, we can find regularities from equations.

    Kaneko Research Group

  • Mathematics Education

    We all studied mathematics at elementary, junior high, and high school. Considering historical transformations and the current status quo of content and teaching methods, as well as ways of evaluating the curriculum in mathematics, we try to envision the shape of mathematics education in the future.

    Nakagawa Research Group

List of Faculty Members

Name Title Research Area Keyword
KANEKO hiroshi Professor Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics stochastic processes
KATO Keiichi Professor Basic analysis partial differential equation
KIDA Masanari Professor Algebra Number theory
KOIKE Naoyuki Professor Geometry Differential Geometry
KUNUGI Naoko Professor Algebra Representations of finite groups
OHTA Masahito Professor Mathematical analysis Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
YOKOTA Tomomi Professor Basic analysis Partial differential equations
NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki Associate Professor
OYAMAGUCHI Natsumi Associate Professor Geometry
TANAKA Mieko Associate Professor Mathematical analysis
YAMAKAWA Daisuke Associate Professor Geometry Symplectic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry
YOSHIKAWA Sho Junior Associate Professor Algebra モジュラー形式
CHIYO Yutaro Assistant Professor Basic analysis
KAJIGAYA Toru Assistant Professor Geometry Differential geometry
KATAYAMA Yuta Assistant Professor Algebra Number Theory
KOZAKAI Yuta Assistant Professor Algebra Representation theory of finite groups
KURIMA Shunsuke Assistant Professor Basic analysis Nonlinear partial differential equations
MURAMATSU Riyo Assistant Professor Mathematical analysis
NISHII Yoshinori Assistant Professor Mathematical analysis Nonlinear partial differential equation
SAITO Shunsuke Assistant Professor Geometry Algebraic geometry, Differential geometry

Information on Career Paths

  • Graduate School
  • Information Industry
  • Education, Learning Support
  • Finance, Insurance
  • Professional and Technical Services
  • Miscellaneous Services
  • Machinery and Appliances
  • Civil Servant
  • Real Estate and Goods Rental and Leasing
  • Other(Persons Planning on Continuing Education, Studying Abroad, etc.)
(As of March 2024)