

MIYAZAKI Satoru  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(34)
Refereed Papers(74) | Refereed Proceedings(23) | Other Papers(14) | Publications(12) | Presentations(188) | Patent(1)
Address 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8510, Japan
TEL : +81-4-7124-1501
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
Graduate School
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Tokyo University of Science doctor (Natural Science)
  • Tokyo University of Science Doctor (Natural Science)
Research History
  • 1996-1999 The development of Annotation support system on
    International Ducleic-acid sequence Databases
    2000-2004 The development of softwere and databases for
    Human genome projects
    2000-Present Applications for sequence analysis based on
    XML techniques
    2001-Present Analysis of genome sequence structure and its
Employment History
Research Keyword Bioinformatics, genome sequence analysis, Bio-databasae
Research Area
  • Genome biology (Bioinformatics,database)
Research Theme
  • The constraction of Immnoglobulin gene database
Academic Awards Received
Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2022.4.1 - 2024.3.31

    Japan Society for Culture Collections

  • 2010.7.1 - 2012.6.30

    Pharmaceutical Common Achievement Tests Organization

  • 2008.4.1 - 2009.3.31

    The pharmaceutical society of Japan

  • 2007.4.1 - 2008.3.31

    The pharmaceutical society of Japan

  • 2006.7.1 - 2008.6.30

    Pharmaceutical Common Achievement Tests Organization

Guest Professor