The Research Equipment Center secure and efficiently operate advanced equipment and devices, indispensable to cutting-edge research, and improve effective equipment services to researchers within the University.

Message from the Director

In October 2006, as a result of progressive reorganization, the former Equipment Center was reborn as the Research Equipment Center in the Organization for Research Advancement, and reforms have continued since then but there are still unresolved issues.

Playing a pivotal role in technological reform, equipment and devices are indispensable to cutting-edge research and constitute vital research resources for the University. In order to achieve the establishment aims of the Research Equipment Center and further enhance this university’s research organization, this Center plans to secure and efficiently operate advanced equipment, promote effective equipment operation and improve services to researchers within the University.

SAKAI Hideki

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology
Director, Research Equipment Center

Center Aims

Several executive board meetings held serious and lively debates about specific ways to plan and implement improvements and reforms, and the outcomes for the Research Equipment Center were set out in the October 4, 2007 document titled, "Towards significant strengthening of the research environment at the Tokyo University of Science" (Tokyo University of Science, Organization for Research Advancement, Research Equipment Center Reform Report). The aims which the Research Equipment Center should achieve are broadly summarized under the following headings.

  1. Strengthening the research organization at TUS
  2. Building a research environment through acquisition and effective utilization of advanced equipment
  3. Centralization of the research organization
  4. Efficient operation of facilities, equipment and devices
  5. Efficient utilization of research resources within the University
  6. Management and operation of equipment that reflect the purposes of the whole university
  7. Operational jurisdiction, co-ordination, maintenance and management of controlled equipment
  8. Far-sighted introduction of strategic equipment from a university-wide perspective

Equipment Registered at
the Center

Mass spectrometer
16 Units
NMR and other (nuclear) magnetic resonance equipment
13 Units
X-ray analyzer
13 Units
X-ray fluorescence analyzer
3 Units
Scanning electron microscope
5 Units
Transmission electron microscope
3 Units
Atomic force microscope
4 Units
Laser system
1 Units
9 Units
(analytical equipment, etc.)
13 Units
(Biomaterial analysis equipment)
24 Units
(pecial measurement system)
13 Units
Utility-related equipment
4 Units
(As of April 2024)
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