TUS features a variety of facilities. Cultural facilities include libraries in each campus and the Museum of Science, TUS. Every TUS campus also features a range of athletic facilities to help maintain the health of students and members of the faculty.


Tokyo University of Science has five major libraries in addition to the field-specific document and reference collections run by individual schools and departments. The five major university libraries are the Kagurazaka Library (located on the ninth, tenth, and eleventh floors of Building No. 1 on the Kagurazaka campus), the Fujimi Library on the Fujimi Building, the Centennial Memorial Library (Noda Library) on the Noda campus, the Katsushika Library on the Katsushika campus and the Oshamambe Library on the Oshamambe Campus, Hokkaido. The university runs a computer system that links these five libraries with the Tokyo University of Science allowing students and members of the faculty to easily search and access materials throughout the TUS library system. We are also working on a system that would allow a variety of electronic resources, including databases, online journals, and electronic books, to be accessed from anywhere in the university.

Athletic Facilities

  • Every TUS campus features a range of athletic facilities to help maintain the health of students and members of the faculty and build their strength. In addition to the standard physical education courses, athletic facilities throughout the university are available for extracurricular activities, social events, and a variety of other activities.

Seminar House

  • TUS is leading the way among universities with its special classroom facility called "Seminar House" on the Noda campus. As a regional exchange, we host lectures that are open to the local public.

Building No.13 (Morito Memorial Hall)

  • The Morito Memorial Hall was established through a contribution from Yuko Morito, graduate of the Faculty of Science Division I Department of Applied Chemistry and former President and CEO of Moritex Corporation.

Enhanced University Facilities

  • Each campus has facilities to further enhance student life and to support students' activities (discussion spaces, study rooms, stores, etc.).

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