



冒頭ではOpening Remarkにて、センターの目的である「宇宙(極限的な閉鎖環境)において人間が長期間滞在するために必要な技術の開発」についての説明がありました。
Opening Remark:Director Chiaki Mukai (Space Colony Research Center, TUS)
“TUS Space Colony research center Overview”
1) Prof. Libero Liggieri
(CNR-Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies)
“Results and perspectives on the investigation of the behavior of liquid interfaces, foams and emulsions under weightlessness conditions”
2) Prof. Luigi Cristofolini (University of Parma)
“Dynamics and ageing of emulsions”
3) Prof. Mickael Antoni (Aix-Marseille Unversite CNRS MADIREL)
“CFD simulation of a model bubbly emulsion”
4) Prof. Francesca Ravera (CNR-Instuitute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies)
“Surface properties and foamability of saponin and saponin-chitosan systems”
5)Dr. Makoto Natsuizaka (JAXA)
“Overview of the Space Experiments on International Space Station”
6) Prof. Yuji Yamashita (Chiba Institute of Technology)
“Dynamics of Colloidal Dispersion under Quasi-microgravity”
7) Prof. James Ferri (Virginia Commonwealth University)
“An Open Knowledge Network for Correlating Complex Materials Performance to Quantum Chemistry: MPrint OKN”
8)Prof. Isao Shitanda (Space Colony Research Center, TUS)
“Development of Wearable Sensors and Biofuel Cells for Space Application”

司会:Prof. Kazutami Sakamoto

Opening Remark:Director Chiaki Mukai

Prof. Libero Liggieri

Prof. Luigi Cristofolini

Prof. Mickael Antoni

Prof. Francesca Ravera

Dr. Makoto Natsuizaka

Prof. Yuji Yamashita

Prof. James Ferri

Prof. Isao Shitanda