[Youtube]Developing Cameras for Satellites to Remove Debris for Safer Aerospace, Professor Shinichi Kimura


[Press Release] New Materials Discovered for Safe, High-Performance Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries


Terashima Lab student received Graduate Student Award of MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 MRM Poster Award on Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J) ” Scanning in-liquid microwave plasma CVD assisted synthesis of BDD films for CO2 reduction application”


Professor Yuichi Negishi and Junior Associate Professor Tokuhisa Kawawaki et al.’s paper was selected for Supplementary Cover in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Hasegawa Lab student received Best Student Paper Award on the 10th Anniversary Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Complex Communication Science


Professor Yuichi Negishi and Assistant Professor Saikat Das et al.’s paper was selected for Supplementary Cover in ACS Materials Letters


Professor Yuichi Negishi et al.’s paper was selected for Supplementary Cover in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Professor Yuichi Negishi and Assistant Professor Saikat Das et al.’s review was selected for Inside Front Cover in Chemistry A European Journal


Professor Shinichi Komaba was listed on Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics for fifth Year in a Row


Professor Yuichi Negishi, Assistant Professor Saikat Das, Postdoctoral fellow Sourav Biswas et al.’s review was selected for Inside Front Cover in Nanoscale Horizons
