(a) 所属部署 (b) 専門領域 (c) 主な担当授業科目
中尾 元紀
- (a) 野田キャンパス教養部
(b) 国際法学、国際人権法
(c) 法学1・2、日本国憲法、法学特殊講義、発展講義:法学
ONDIBA Hesborn
Ondiba Hesborn
(b) Applied linguistics, Foreign language education
(c) Global Issues, Reading and Writing Skills, Freshman English
My name is Hesborn Ondiba, I am from Kenya. My studies at the University of Tsukuba’s Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences sparked my passion for leveraging technology and indigenous knowledge in building sustainable societies focusing on areas like resource optimization and environmental monitoring. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to a future where technological advancements and traditional practices work hand-in-hand to create a more just and sustainable world for all.
Michael Hofmeyr
Michael Hofmeyr
(b) 応用言語学、第二言語習得、社会言語学
(c) 英語(Listening & Speaking, 工学部・先進工学部)
My name is Michael Hofmeyr and I am originally from Cape Town, South Africa. I have a passion for languages and am interested in all aspects of linguistic studies. The main focus points of my recent research has been on the ways in which cooperative digital games can facilitate language acquisition and on learners’ attitudes towards game-based learning. I am very much looking forward to working with my new colleagues here at TUS and to helping my students become more confident English communicators.
- 陳宣聿
CHEN, Hsuanyu
(a) 葛飾キャンパス教養部
(b) 宗教学
(c) 宗教学、教養演習、比較文化論葛飾キャンパスに着任しました陳です。出身は台湾の台北市です。専攻は宗教学で、特に胎児の「死」にまつわる宗教現象を研究してきました。出産は新しい命をこの世にもたらす役割がありますが、それができなかった場合には様々な葛藤が生じます。