Facts & Figures

(As of May 2024)

Resonance + Co-creation -> New Frontiers

In accordance with its motto, “A Faculty of Science and Technology which seeks resonance between nature, the environment, space and humanity,” the Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology pursue education and research among its four sciences departments (encompassing four majors) and six engineering departments (encompassing seven majors). The underlying principle guiding everything is that problems which are beyond the capacity of a single academic discipline to solve should be addressed through co-creation which transcends conventional frameworks, as well as through a top-down, interdisciplinary resonance approach, to create new frontiers in science and technology which, in turn, produce innovative value.

In addition to offering a six-year, integrated course of study which incorporates both liberal arts education and specialized studies, students are also able to take graduate school cross-disciplinary courses which overlap with multiple departments and specializations in order to “achieve innovation” and “produce high added value results.” As a result, graduates enter the professional world equipped with a broader perspective that allows them to be successful in an increasingly diverse and globalized world.
Based in a “research park-style campus designed to integrate the sciences with engineering,” we are pursuing a more “global NODA” in education, research and social contribution.

Message from the Dean

From “RESONANCE” to “New Frontiers” Producing Innovative Value in Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology launched in April 2023.

The forerunner to the current Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology was established in 1965. It operated according to a philosophy focused on acquiring and applying fundamental knowledge of things, through a collaboration of science and engineering, to achieve innovation in science and technology, and for over half a century it produced numerous outstanding researchers, engineers and educators.

In 2017, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its founding, the Faculty introduced a six-year integrated course of study and graduate school cross-disciplinary courses as concrete means of transcending the barriers between departments and laboratories to foster an atmosphere of unity in education and research in accordance with its motto, “A Faculty of Science and Technology which seeks resonance between nature, the environment, space and humanity.” Other, later, changes included standardizing the specialized basic education of mathematics, physics and chemistry and requiring basic laboratory work, and, starting in the 2022 academic year, introducing a new, interdisciplinary system of education which includes Science and Technology Special Lectures for all new students and Science and Technology Advanced Integrated Lectures for master’s program students.

In the Faculty of Science and Technology, all new students take Science and Technology Special Lectures as soon as they enter university, which means over 1,200 students in a variety of fields are undertaking cutting-edge research in small groups, each comprised of around five people from different departments, to foster the seeds of integrated thinking in a group-learning setting.

Additionally, the standardization of specialized basic education for first- and second-year students lays a foundation for co-creation which transcends departmental barriers and, after the completion of specialized education in each department, connects students into both specialized intensive research and cross-disciplinary research in their subsequent research activities. The graduate school-level Science and Technology Advanced Integrated Lectures are distinctive courses which allow graduate school students to be “knights-errant” who gain knowledge in laboratories outside of their own specialization, thus equipping them with new perspectives and a bird’s-eye view to apply in their own research.

Also, the six-year, integrated course of study established for all departments in the 2023 academic year integrates the education and research of the four-year undergraduate program with that of the two-year master’s degree program, creating a single course of study which ensures students acquire specialized basic knowledge while having ample time to focus on their research as well as other endeavors, such as cross-disciplinary education and overseas study.

Furthermore, our master’s degree program currently offers eight graduate school cross-disciplinary courses in which students undertake research which transcends departmental boundaries in order to more flexibly address various challenges facing contemporary society. This system of interdisciplinary education, the six-year, integrated course of study, and the graduate school cross-disciplinary courses serve to organically cultivate graduates who are equipped with in-depth knowledge in their field of specialization while also being able to think outside-the-box to pursue co-creation, adopting a cross-disciplinary, bird’s-eye view and working harmoniously with a diverse range of people to tackle issues that cannot be resolved within the context of a single academic discipline or specialization, thereby embodying the Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology’s philosophy of “generating innovative value in science and technology, opening up new fields of study and producing capable researchers, engineers and educators.”

Turning our attention to research, we see that the Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology encompass research in all areas of science and technology, thanks to an overwhelmingly large amount of research being conducted across 10 undergraduate departments, 11 graduate departments and 135 laboratories. The co-creation and resonance among these bodies opens up new fields of inquiry and produces innovative value that helps in addressing the issues facing contemporary society, thereby contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.

Also, in order to facilitate government-industry-academia collaboration for the practical implementation in society of this interdisciplinary education and collaborative research, to facilitate local collaborations which make use of the geographical advantages of the Noda Campus, and, moreover, to facilitate the application of the results of these collaborations back into education and research, the Sustainable Urban City Center (CSUS ) was established at the same time as the Graduate School of Science and Technology. This allows for education and research which is more adapted to the needs of the times and enables a deepening and development of the Faculty of Science and Technology and Graduate School of Science and Technology beyond anything that has come before.

From a faculty of science and technology and graduate school of science and technology which advocate the creation of scientific and technological innovation through the integration of science and engineering, and from the research park-esque Noda Campus which continues to pursue interdisciplinary education and collaborative research, producing graduates who are highly specialized, graduates who are lateral thinkers, and graduates who are creative innovators equipped with both, all of whom are capable of addressing the needs of the times for creating a sustainable society, we will keep pursuing new frontiers which represent the science and technology of tomorrow.

ITO Hiroyuki

Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology