On November 17 (Tue), 2020, an online livestream of the TUS FORUM 2020 was conducted which focused on the topic of “New Initiatives for the SDGs–Looking Ahead to a Transformed Post-COVID Society -”.
Further information:https://www.tus.ac.jp/today/archive/20201119_1106.html
The high level of interest in TUS’ SDG-focused initiatives was apparent from the higher-than-anticipated number of participant applications.
President Yoichiro Matsumoto gave the opening remarks and keynote address, and this was followed by a speech from a guest speaker Mr. Takashi Shimada, the former Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and current special advisor at Dream Incubator Inc. After Mr. Shimada’s speech were speeches from TUS Vice President Masato Wakayama and TUS Liberal Arts Center for Education and Research Director Chang-Geon Shin, as well as special addresses from Professor Robert Feldman of the TUS Graduate School of Management and Professor Christina Ahmadjian of the Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration.
The event then concluded with a panel discussion among the speakers. Discussion centered around the topic of “universities after COVID” and examined three main questions: “What issues have been highlighted by the pandemic, and what opportunities do we have to address them?” “In this context, what action should universities take to achieve the SDGs?” and “Moving forward, what direction should education and research take at Tokyo University of Science, and how can it contribute to achievement of the SDGs?” The panelists gave their own, particular perspectives during a lively exchange of ideas and opinions, but the strong consensus of the panelists was that, while COVID-19 represents a new threat, it is not just a threat but also an opportunity for new research and study; also, the university must be united and act in concert in tackling the SDGs and new challenges.
A video archive of the speeches and panel discussion from the event are being made available on a separately established, dedicated website. Please also make sure to explore the video introductions posted about the SDG and COVID-related research which TUS is undertaking.
TUS FORUM dedicated website : https://www.tus.ac.jp/tusforum/2020/