

TADOKORO Makoto  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science Division I, Department of Chemistry
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(18)
Refereed Papers(91) | Other Papers(68) | Publications(21) | Presentations(417)
Address 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan
TEL : +81-3-3260-4271  ext : 5754
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1987, Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry 
Graduate School
  • 1992, Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Department of Chemistry Doctoral Degree (Coursework completed without degree)
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Kyushu University PhD. of Science
Research History
Employment History
  • 199205-199509 Institute for Molecular Science, Research Associate
Research Keyword
Research Area
  • Inorganic chemistry (Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry/Protonics)
  • Functional solid state chemistry
  • Aquatic life science
Research Theme
Academic Awards Received
  • 2023.5.10

    Awards of Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices

  • 2021.3.18

    Selection of Outside Back Cover for issue of Dalton Trans.

  • 2021.2.18

    Selection of Outside Back Cover for issue of Chem. Commun.

  • 2020.11.17

    Hot paper and Cover picture

  • 2020.11.5

    Editor's Choice of Chemistry Letters

  • 2020.11.5

    Cover Picture of Crystal Growth & Design

  • 2015.9.17

    Outstanding Reviewer

  • 2010.10.25

    Papers of Editors' Choice

  • 2003.12.12

    ICMAT 2003 poster award winners

  • 2000.7.14

    34th ICCC Poster Prise Winners

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2022.3.23 - 2022.3.23


  • 2021.11.1 - 2022.11.1

    BJSCC editor

  • 2021.10.20 - 2021.10.20


  • 2021.10.19 - 2021.10.21


  • 2021.9.17 - 2021.9.19


  • 2020.10.22 - 2020.10.28


  • 2018.10.25 - 2018.10.25

    Chmical Society of Japan a juror of CSJ poster award

  • 2013.11.2 - 2015.9

    Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry Councilar

  • 2007.7.29 - 2007.8.2

    1st Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC Chair person

  • 2004.8.10 - 2004.8.11

    Osaka City University Second International Conference on Molecular Science, 2004, OCU Media Center, Osaka City University Organizer

  • 2003.8.1 - 2003.8.2

    Osaka City University First International Conference on Molecular Science Organizer

  • 2003.3.22 - 2003.3.24

    International Conference on Naono-Science of Advanced Metal Complexes Okazaki Conference Chairman

Guest Professor