An introduction to our career centers, job-search seminars for international students, the state of future paths for international students, and alumni testimonials.

Career Centers

Information on employment or post-graduation activities can be obtained at our Career Centers. Services offered are available to all TUS students, even those in their first year.
Career Centers offer employment and career information to TUS graduates and alumni, including various data on places of employment and continuing education options, information on upcoming career fairs, and details of companies and organizations looking to hire TUS graduates.
The Career Center also has employment information targeted at international students. Staff members here will answer any concerns you may have about finding employment, continuing higher education, or any other questions regarding career planning.

Location of Career Centers

Career support for students is provided on three campuses as listed below. Feel free to make inquiries.

Job-search Seminars,
Recruitment Information

Job-search Seminars for Foreign Students
(employment support program for international students)

We host job-search seminars for international students who wish to work in Japan, featuring TUS faculty as well as outsiders, so that our international students can find a job that fits each student’s career design.
Information about the seminars and when they will be held will be posted on bulletin boards (at career centers, TUS Navi, CLASS).

Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners

A public employment security agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare that is dedicated to providing information, employment consultations and employment introductions to foreigners, as well as information and support regarding employment of foreigners to business owners.


When You Receive a Job Offer

(1) Register your Notification of Career Decision at the TUS Navi. Please also cooperate in registering for a consultation regarding your job-search experience to help your juniors.

(2) You are required to carry out the procedure for changing your Status of Residence by the time you graduate. If you neglect to do so, you will become an illegal resident. Check the method for carrying out this procedure on the Immigration Bureau homepage.

State of Job-hunting
by International Students

  • Undergraduate

  • Master's Degree

  • Doctor

  • Corporations
  • Advance to Graduate School
  • Undecided
  • Others
(As of 2023)

Alumni Testimonials

  • Atiqah Farahin


    Faculty of Engineering Division I
    Department of Electrical Engineering Class of 2012

    Faculty of Engineering Division I
    Department of Electrical Engineering Class of 2012

    Transportation Information & Control
    Systems Div., Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Munir Y. Khoja

    Saudi Arabia

    Faculty of Science and Technology
    Department of Industrial Administration Class of 2002

    Faculty of Science and Technology
    Department of Industrial Administration Class of 2002

    Marketing Department,
    Abdul Latif Jameel Co. Ltd.
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