

李 惠貞 准教授
東京理科大学 経営学部 国際デザイン経営学科
高麗大学校経営学科 BBA(経営学士)修了後、政府機関に3年間勤務。その後、退職し延世大学で情報システムの修士号と博士号を取得。韓国政府の特別研究教授として3年間勤務した後、2021年に来日し、現職。





Please tell us about your research.

I am interested in how new digital services such as Metaverse, NFT, and Bitcoin are changing the world, and how AI and Big Data are changing business models for companies. To pursue this, I conduct research and study of the leadership, organizational behavior, etc., targeted for the small groups such as startups, R&D teams, IT project teams, etc., Fortunately, I have an amazing research team and have already accomplished over 40 research papers and published two books.








Please tell us about your background.

I was born and raised in Seoul, Republic of Korea(South). One of the biggest influences in my life was my high school education. The high school(named Geochang High School) I attended offered a very high quality of education and the students were brought up under its clear educational philosophy. Classes were often conducted project-based and required group study and presentations in front of a large audience. 

Though the studies were rigorous, students were given a lot of freedom, and the style of study was independent, as if they were university students. A unique feature was that after two months of rigorous study, the students were given one day of free time which allowed us to do various activities such as sports, games, and outdoor activities. I was looking forward to it and was highly motivated during the two months of rigorous study without feeling that it would be hard.

After graduating from high school, I entered business school. The reason why I chose the field of business is because I thought that studying business would expand my job possibilities and open up opportunities to make a difference in society. After graduating from university, I worked for a government agency for three years.

That was the next turning point. The main mission of the government agency was to make and apply the National Information Policy and to take care of Information Technology Industry and people. While I was there, I could get some chances to observe and support those missions, and then I became very interested in how Information technologies and services have the potential to impact and change the world. However, I did not have enough knowledge of IT at that time.

So I decided to go back to university to study.  I planned to reenter the corporate world after completing my master’s program, but I found my studies more interesting and I continued to the doctoral program. After receiving my ph.d. degree, how lucky, I spent three years as a special pointed research professor supported by the government after a very short postdoctoral fellowship. My research had attracted a large number of government grants that allowed me to continue my own research.

Now I am in Japan, teaching at the Tokyo University of Science and continuing my research. I consider myself very fortunate.



What led you to come to Japan and work at the Tokyo University of Science?

I have published a large number of research papers and attended many international conferences. When I  attended an international conference in San Francisco, USA, some Japanese university professors liked my research  and one of them introduced me to the Tokyo University of Science.



Working in a foreign country must have been a big challenge, but did you have any hesitation?

All my friends around me encouraged me, saying, “This is a big chance. Japan is a safe and very nice country, and the experience in Japan will lead to greater opportunities.” they said. Moreover, Japan and Korea are countries that are also close in distance. You can come and go whenever you feel like it. Now I have been in Japan for a year and I like Japan very much. The colleagues and staff at the Tokyo University of Science are very kind and I feel as if I have another family in Japan.





Have there been any difficulties or barriers you have encountered?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Because I have always been so thankful for my daily life that I have never thought of anything as hard or arduous. I always make it a routine to live by planning a schedule and time plan. If I follow a routine, my life will be easier. Even if I make mistakes, I am sure those mistakes will feed my future. I am single now, so if there is a big challenge for me, it might be marriage.



What are your goals for the future?

I would like to continue my work as a researcher in Japan and at this university. I want to read many books, write many research papers, and publish books. That is what I want to do. For students, I want to be a good storyteller as a ‘Sensei(先生)’ which means “be born earlier”. I would be happy if I can share my experiences and the excellent information I have seen and heard from all over the world in an easy-to-understand way and help students in their lives. Three years ago, I never imagined that I would be working as a researcher at a Japanese university. So I do not know what the future holds. But at the very least, I would like to continue to be a researcher.


勉強することは一人でもできると思います。ですが、研究は一人ではできません。だからこそ、たくさんの研究仲間をみつけ、信頼関係を作ることがとても大切です。ぜひ、修士課程や博士課程のうちに、良き協力者を見つけてください。そしてその人と、試行錯誤を繰り返しながら、互いに助け合い信頼関係をつくってください。研究の道は長く、終わりがありません。良き仲間を作ることこそ、研究の世界で生き残る最良の方法の一つだと思っています。幸運にも私に、Park J先生とLee S先生という素晴らしい仲間がいてくれるように。

Do you have a message for those who hope to become researchers?

You can probably study alone. However, research cannot be done alone. Therefore, it is very important to find good research colleagues and build a trusting relationship with them. I encourage you to find good collaborators during your master’s or doctoral course. Then, with that person, help each other through repeated trial and error and build a relationship of mutual trust. The path of research is long and never-ending. Making good friends is one of the best ways to survive in the research world. Just like I have Dr. Park J. and Dr. Lee S., thankfully.
