

SHIINA Isamu  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science Division I, Department of Applied Chemistry
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(18)
Refereed Papers(170) | Refereed Proceedings(2) | Other Papers(26) | Publications(27) | Presentations(654) | Patent(11)
Address 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan
TEL : +81-3-3260-4271
E-mail Address
Homepage (English)
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1990, Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science Department of Applied Chemistry 
Graduate School
  • 1992, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Department of Chemistry Master's Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • The University of Tokyo Ph.D
Research History
  • 1990-1994 Development of Asymmetric Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction
    1995-1999 Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Taxol
    2000-2009 Development of the Coupling Reaction Using Benzoic Anhydrides
    2000-present New Three-component Coupling Reaction Using Aromatic Compounds
    2005-present Development of the Asymmetric Esterification
    2010-present Asymmetric Total Synthesis of M-COPA and Its Derivatives

    (Major Awards)
    1997 The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists
    2006 Banyu Young Chemist Award
    2013 The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work
    2014 The Inoue Prize for Science
    2014 The Ichimura Prize for Science
    2015 The Prize for Science and Technology [Development Category] (The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)
    2017 The Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
    2018 The Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

Employment History
  • 1992-1997 Tokyo University of Science, Assistant Professor
    1997-1999 Tokyo University of Science, Lecturer
    2003-2007 Tokyo University of Science, Associate Professor
    2007-2008 Tokyo University of Science, Associate Professor
    200704-201003 Japan Private School Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation "Academic Research Promotion Project", Director
    2008- Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science, Professor
    201104-201603 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Drug Discovery Infrastructure Promotion Research Project", Director
    201204-201703 Tokyo University of Science, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Research Center for Chirality, Director of Research Center for Chirality
    201512-201711 JST/AMED "Medical Field Research Achievement Development Project (A-STEP)", Director
    201604- Tokyo University of Science, Chemical Instrumental Analysis Center, Director of Chemical Instrumental Analysis Center
    201704-201903 Tokyo University of Science "Research Strategy Medium-Term Plan Promotion Expenses" Project, Director
    201804-202303 Tokyo University of Science, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Chemical Biology Division Supported by Practical Organic Synthesis, Director of Chemical Biology Division Supported by Practical Organic Synthesis
    201811-202003 AMED "Next Generation Cancer Medical Creation Research Project", Director
    202004-202203 Tokyo University of Science "President's Special Research Promotion Fund (Strengthening Frame)" Project, Director
    202107-202203 AMED "Translational Research Program [Seeds preB]" Project, Director
    202204-202403 AMED "Translational Research Program [Seeds A]" Project, Director
    202204-202503 AMED "Innovative Cancer Medical Practical Research Project", Director
    202304-202803 Tokyo University of Science, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Research Center for Drug Discovery and Applied Sciences, Director of Research Center for Drug Discovery and Applied Sciences
    202306-202403 Tokyo University of Science , Director
Research Keyword Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Research Area
  • Synthetic chemistry (Organic reaction chemistry、Natural products chemistry)
Research Theme
  • Development of Catalytic Condensation Reactions
  • Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Natural Products
  • Development of Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions
Academic Awards Received
  • 2024.4.26

    Organic Letters (ACS Publications) Cover Feature Article (4/2024)

  • 2023.12.2

    「The 18th TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2023」Best Poster Award

  • 2023.2.13

    2023 Chiba University Fungal Medicine Research Center Joint Research Project Selection

  • 2022.11.5

    「The 17th TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2022」Best Poster Award

  • 2021.11.25

    9th DSANJ Digital Bio Conference AMED Invited Frame Research Results Selection

  • 2021.4.20

    2021 Chiba University Fungal Medicine Research Center Joint Research Project Selection

  • 2021.2.10

    ACS Omega (ACS Publications) Cover Feature Article (2/2021)

  • 2020.8.19

    European Journal of Organic Chemistry (European JOC) Cover Feature Article (8/2020)

  • 2020.7.7

    Yahoo! JAPAN Headline News (7/July/2020)

  • 2020.2.6

    Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry (Asian JOC) Cover Feature Article (2/2020)

  • 2018.7.1

    Student in Shiina laboratory appeared on the BS-TBS

  • 2018.6.10

    Student in Shiina laboratory appeared on the TBS TV

  • 2018.3.2

    Cancer Letters Most Read Article (Feb/2018)

  • 2018.1.25

    Yahoo! JAPAN Headline News (25/Jan/2018)

  • 2018.1.6

    Yahoo! JAPAN Headline News (6/Jan/2018)

  • 2017.12.31

    The 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

  • 2017.6.25

    The 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

  • 2017.6.16

    「The 21st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Molecular Target Therapy of Cancer」Best Poster Award

  • 2016.9.22

    Journal of Antibiotics (JA) Cover Headline Article (9/2016)

  • 2015.12.10

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (12/2014–11/2015)

  • 2015.11.18

    「14th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2015.11.10

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (11/2014–10/2015)

  • 2015.10.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (10/2014–9/2015)

  • 2015.9.18

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (9/2014–8/2015)

  • 2015.8.26

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (8/2014–7/2015)

  • 2015.8.10

    CSJ Journal Selects Vol. 2 (2015) Hot Article

  • 2015.7.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (7/2014–6/2015)

  • 2015.6.20

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (6/2014–5/2015)

  • 2015.5.15

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (5/2014–4/2015)

  • 2015.4.23

    The Ichimura Prize in Science FY 2014

  • 2015.4.22

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (4/2014–3/2015)

  • 2015.4.15

    The Prize for Science and Technology 2015 [Development Category] (The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

  • 2015.3.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (2/2015)

  • 2015.3.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (3/2014–2/2015)

  • 2015.2.13

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (1/2015)

  • 2015.2.13

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (2/2014–1/2015)

  • 2015.2.4

    The Inoue Prize for Science FY 2014

  • 2015.1.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (12/2014)

  • 2015.1.16

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (1/2014–11/2014)

  • 2014.12.19

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (12/2013–11/2014)

  • 2014.12.19

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (11/2014)

  • 2014.11.18

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (10/2014)

  • 2014.11.18

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (11/2013–10/2014)

  • 2014.11.12

    「13th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2014.10.24

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (9/2014)

  • 2014.10.24

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (10/2013–9/2014)

  • 2014.9.25

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (8/2014)

  • 2014.9.25

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (9/2013–8/2014)

  • 2014.8.26

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (7/2014)

  • 2014.8.26

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (8/2013–7/2014)

  • 2014.7.29

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (6/2014)

  • 2014.7.29

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (7/2013–6/2014)

  • 2014.6.15

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (6/2013–5/2014)

  • 2014.6.15

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (5/2014)

  • 2014.5.9

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (4/2014)

  • 2014.5.9

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (5/2013–4/2014)

  • 2014.4.10

    The Chemical Record (TCR) Most Accessed Article (3/2014)

  • 2014.3.25

    CSJ Journal Report Vol. 1 (2012-2014 First-quarter) Hot Article

  • 2014.2.15

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (BCSJ) Back Cover Article

  • 2013.12.27

    Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry Most Accessed Article (11/2013)

  • 2013.11.30

    Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry Most Accessed Article (10/2013)

  • 2013.11.4

    The Global Chemistry Community on

  • 2013.6.1

    Highlighted Paper Selected by Editor-in-Chief

  • 2013.3.23

    CSJ (Chemical Society of Japan) Award for Creative Work

  • 2013.3.1

    JMC Most Read (Downloaded) Article

  • 2013.2.28

    JMC Cover Article

  • 2013.2.14

    JMC Cover Article

  • 2013.1.16

    ACS PressPac Article

  • 2012.11.6

    Catalysis Science & Technology Most Read (Downloaded) Article

  • 2012.10.9

    Catalysis Science & Technology Cover Article

  • 2012.10.9

    Catalysis Science & Technology Hot Article

  • 2012.9.12

    SYNFACTS Selected Article

  • 2012.6.1

    JOC Featured Article

  • 2011.12.14

    「9th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2010.12.1

    「8th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2010.11.10

    SYNFACTS Selected Article

  • 2010.10.1

    The Naito Foundation Grantee Award

  • 2010.9.29

    「7th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2009.11.25

    「6th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality」Best Poster Award

  • 2009.2.24

    Toray Science and Technology Foundation Grantee Award

  • 2008.12.15

    European Journal of Organic Chemistry Most Accessed Article

  • 2008.11.10

    Tetrahedron Letters Cover Figure Article

  • 2008.3.17

    Tokyo University of Science (TUS) Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award

  • 2007.11.19

    Tetrahedron Letters Cover Figure Article

  • 2007.5.16

    「Molecular・Chirality 2007」Best Poster Award

  • 2006.11.18

    Banyu Young Chemist Award 2006

  • 2004.3.1

    Kurata Memorial Foundation Grantee Award

  • 2002.7.1

    The Fujisawa Foundation Grantee Award

  • 1999.4.16

    Asahi Glass Foundation Grantee Award

  • 1997.3.28

    CSJ (Chemical Society of Japan) Award for Young Chemists

  • 1996.10.6

    The Young Scholar’s Lectureship Award, 71st Annual Autumn Meeting of CSJ

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2024.12.1 - 2025.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2023.12.1 - 2024.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2023.9.8 - 2023.9.10

    17th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry Organizing Committee

  • 2022.12.1 - 2023.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2021.12.1 - 2022.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2020.12.1 - 2021.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2019.12.1 - 2020.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2018.12.1 - 2019.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2017.12.1 - 2018.11.30

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2017.4.1 - 2018.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2016.11.30 - 2016.11.30

    15th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2016.4.1 - 2017.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2015.11.18 - 2015.11.18

    14th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2015.10.31 - 2016.10.28

    The Chemical Society of Japan Delegates Committee Member

  • 2014.11.12 - 2014.11.12

    13th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2014.4.1 - 2015.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2013.11.27 - 2013.11.27

    12th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2013.4.1 - 2014.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2013.3.1 - 2014.2.28

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Organizing Committee

  • 2012.9.26 - 2012.9.26

    11th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2012.2.24 - 2012.2.24

    10th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2012.2.17 - 2013.2.28

    The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Organizing Committee

  • 2011.12.14 - 2011.12.14

    9th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2011.4.1 - 2012.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2010.12.1 - 2010.12.1

    8th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2010.9.29 - 2010.9.29

    7th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2010.4.1 - 2011.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2009.11.25 - 2009.11.25

    6th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2008.12.1 - 2008.12.1

    5th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2008.4.1 - 2009.3.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting Organization Committee

  • 2008.1.29 - 2008.1.29

    4th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2007.11.15 - 2007.11.15

    3rd Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2005.11.10 - 2005.11.10

    2nd Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

  • 2003.12.3 - 2003.12.3

    1st Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality Organizing Committee

Guest Professor
  • 1999.3.1 - 1999.3.31
