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Simultaneous confidence intervals for pairwise comparisons among mean vectors under nonnormality |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 Statistical Region Estimation and Its Application |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1999年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
On the conservative multivariate Tukey-Kramer procedure for multiple comparisons among mean vectors |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 Information and Statistical Inference |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1995年 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
Simultaneous Confidence Procedures for Multiple Comparisons of Mean Vectors in Multivariate Normal Populations |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1994年 1月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
The Effects on the Distributions of Sample Roots in Canonical Correlation Model under Nonnormality |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo, Takashi Kanda, Yasunori Fujikoshi |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1993年 9月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
The Effects of Nonnormality on Tests for Dimensionality in Canonical Correlation and MANOVA Models |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo, Takashi Kanda, Yasunori Fujikoshi |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1993年 8月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
The Multivariate Tukey-Kramer Procedure for Comparisons With a Control |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1993年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Comparisons of Correlated Treatments With a Control |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1993年 3月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
Approximation to Upper Percentiles of the Statistic for Comparing of the Components of Mean Vector |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1992年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
Percentiles of the Statistic for the Comparing of Correlated Mean Vectors With a Control |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1992年 9月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
A Generalized T2max Statistic for the Comparisons Among Correlated Mean Vectors |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1992年 7月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
A Note on the Tukey-Kramer Conjecture for Multiple Comparisons and Its Multivariate Case |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo, Shigeru Mano, Yasunori Fujikoshi |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1992年 7月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
Approximation to the Upper Percentiles of T2max-type Statistics |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo, Minoru Siotani |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1992年 2月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |
The Multivariate Studentized Range and Its Upper Percentiles |
[ 全著者名 ] Takashi Seo, Minoru Siotani |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Technical Report, Statistical Research Group, Hiroshima University |
[ 掲載年月 ] 1991年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] その他著作 |