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Circadian changes in urinary bicarbonate, nitric oxide metabolites and pH in female player during handball camp involved in an exercise, rest and sleep cycle
[ 全著者名 ] T. Moriguchi, T. Shimomitsu, Y. Odagiri, S. Ichimura, J. Fukuda, A. Tomoda.  
[ 掲載誌名 ] Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
[ 掲載年月 ] 2002年 4月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付学術論文(外国語)
Food intake increases resting muscle oxygen consumption as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy
[ 全著者名 ] C. Ueda, T. Hamaoka, N. Murase, T. Sako, M. Murakami, R. Kime, T. Homma,  T. Nagasawa, S. Ichimura, M. Samejima, T. Katsumura.
[ 掲載誌名 ] European Journal of Sport Science
[ 掲載年月 ] 2002年
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付学術論文(外国語)
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