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Cultural Comparison
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2023年12月5日
Facing Language Assessment Challenges: A Practical Introduction to Rasch Measurement
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The Okinawa Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
[ 発表日付 ] 2023年8月13日
Cultural Comparisons: Similarities and Differences between Australia and Japan
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2022年12月6日
Cultural Pathways: Japan from an Australian's Perspective
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年11月16日
Prescribing the Best Remedy: Assessing Language Learner Abilities with Modern Measurement
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] 11th International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (ICLLL) 2021
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年11月7日
Transforming Educational Assessment: Assuring Quality in Measuring via Rasch Model Technology
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 9th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET) 2021
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年3月29日
Reading Between the Lines: Beware When Statistical Testing Assumptions are not Reported
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 55th Regional Language Centre (RELC) International Conference, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年3月16日
Sustainable Language Assessment Instrument Approach: Constructing with Rasch Model Measurement Theory
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 55th Regional Language Centre (RELC) International Conference, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年3月16日
Facing Uncertain Futures with a Probabilistic Outlook: Rasch Measurement Theory for Assessing Language Learner Abilities
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 8th International Conference on Education and Psychological Sciences (ICEPS) 2021
[ 発表日付 ] 2021年1月31日
Cultural Compass: Finding New Directions from an Australian Perspective of Life in Japan and Australia
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年12月3日
Making the Best of Language Classroom Tests and Surveys: Using Objective Measurement Best Practices
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] Meisei University International Studies Center 9th Annual Professional Development Forum 2019
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年11月16日
Rasch Model Measurement Advantages for Assessing via Tests and Surveys: Independence and Interdependence of Parameter Estimates
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 11th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2019)
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年11月2日
Constructing FL (Foreign Language) Quantitative Research Literacy Before the Tokyo 2020 Games: An Introduction to Rasch Measurement via a Modified Olympic Event Example
[ 共同発表者名 ] Not applicable
[ 学会・会議名 ] 14th FL (Foreign Language) Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年9月21日
FL (Foreign Language) Quantitative Researchers Banning the Equivalent of Olympic Performance Enhancing: Meeting Statistical Assumptions Prior to the Main Events
[ 共同発表者名 ] Not applicable
[ 学会・会議名 ] 14th FL (Foreign Language) Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年9月21日
Rasch Red Pill Reality: Breaking Out of the Matrix of Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding the Measurement Concept
[ 共同発表者名 ] Not applicable
[ 学会・会議名 ] Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2019
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年8月30日
A New Era of Best Practices in Quantitative Assessment: A Modern Measurement Approach Vital for Human Science Research
[ 共同発表者名 ] Not applicable.
[ 学会・会議名 ] International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) 2019
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年8月24日
The Necessity of Constructing Meaningful Measures Before Conducting Parametric Statistical Testing Procedures
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 21st Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年2月3日
Measuring Knowledge Changes Due to One Invited Lecture via Rasch Model Analyses
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 21st Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium
[ 発表日付 ] 2019年2月3日
At the Crossroads of East/West and North/South: Cultural Perspectives of an Australian Living in Japan
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2018年12月11日
At the Crossroads of East/West and North/South
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2017年12月5日
At the Crossroads
[ 共同発表者名 ] N/A
[ 学会・会議名 ] Japanese Culture and Thought Course
[ 発表日付 ] 2016年12月6日
Making Measures Matter: A Rationale for Constructing Useful Tests and Surveys.
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 11th Temple University Japan (TUJ) Applied Linguistics Colloquium 2010.
[ 発表日付 ] 2010年2月14日 ~ 2月15日
Down for the Count: Knocking Out the Misuse of Raw Scores in Test Analyses.
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 10th Temple University Japan (TUJ) Applied Linguistics Colloquium 2009.
[ 発表日付 ] 2009年2月7日 ~ 2月8日
Validating a Receptive Vocabulary Size Test.
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles
[ 学会・会議名 ] Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2008 (PROMS 2008).
[ 発表日付 ] 2008年8月1日 ~ 8月2日
The Mixed Methods Martini: How Can an Algorithm Taste So Good?
[ 共同発表者名 ] Phillip Rowles and Joe Ring
[ 学会・会議名 ] The 8th Temple University Japan (TUJ) Applied Linguistics Colloquium 2007.
[ 発表日付 ] 2007年2月10日 ~ 2月11日
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