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"The Reciprocal Development of Craft and Industry in Twentieth-Century Japan Through the Lens of Plywood as Material" in Building Technology and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region: Construction, Materials, Encounters
[ 全著者名 ] Giaime Botti, Eugenio Mangi, Hiroyuki Shinohara, Alberto Bologna, Michele Bonino, Edoardo Bruno, Andrea Canclini, Camilla Forina, Aki Ishida, Jiayao Jiang, Babita Joy, Kaon Ko, Zhichen Lyu, Mia Tedjosaputro, Ruoran Wang, Subin Xu
[ 発行所等 ] Singapore: Springer
[ 発行日付 ] 2024年 9月
[ 全著者名 ] 合同会社髙木秀太事務所
[ 発行所等 ] 株式会社誠文堂新光社
[ 発行日付 ] 2023年 3月
"Dawn of Industrial Design in Japan: From Crafts to Design in the 20th Century" in Invisible Architecture: Italian and Japanese architectural movements in the 1960s and 1970s and the contemporary debate
[ 全著者名 ] Kaon Ko
[ 発行所等 ] Milano: Silvana Editoriale
[ 発行日付 ] 2017年 2月
"Craft-mediated Designs: Explorations in Modernity and Bamboo" in Patterns and Layering: Japanese Spatial Culture, Nature, and Architecture
[ 全著者名 ] Salvator-John Liotta, Matteo Belfiore, Rafael Balboa, Ilze Paklone, Ling Zhang, Yao Chen, Catarina Vitorino, Bojan Milan Koncarevic, Federico Scaroni, Robert Baum, Cristiano Lippa, Kaon Ko
[ 発行所等 ] Berlin: Gestalten
[ 発行日付 ] 2012年 10月
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