

ZHENG Yumeng  Assistant Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Department of Applied Physics
Profile | Assigned Courses(16)
Refereed Papers(3) | Refereed Proceedings(1) | Presentations(32)
Address 6-3-1, Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-8585, Japan
TEL : +81-3-5876-1717
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 2013, Northwestern Polytechnical University Faculty of Science 
Graduate School
  • 2018, Xidian University Graduate School, Division of Materials Science Master's Degree
  • 2018, Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Master's Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Xidian University Master
  • Doshisha University Master
  • Doshisha University Ph.D.
Research History
  • 2017-now Electrical degradation of High voltage ZnO varistors
    2021-now ZnO film-type varistor using aerosol deposition method
    2022-now Short-time synthesis of Bi2223 superconductor and wire
Employment History
Research Keyword Electronic Materials
Research Area
  • Electronic materials/Electric materials (ReRAM, ZnO varistor, interface states)
Research Theme
Academic Awards Received
Academic Society Affiliations
Guest Professor
  • 2023.5.11 - 2024.3.31

    同志社大学 高機能微粒子研究センター 研究員