

HIGASHI Kyohei  Associate Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(39)
Refereed Papers(85) | Other Papers(6) | Publications(1) | Presentations(155)
Address 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8510, Japan
TEL : +81-4-7124-1501  ext : 6563
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 2001, Showa Pharmaceutical University Pharmaceutical Sciences 
Graduate School
  • 2006, Chiba University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Frontier medical science Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Chiba University Ph. D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Research History
  • 2006- Engaged in research on the elucidation of the physiological function of polyamines.
    2008- Engaged in research on the elucidation of the acute cerebral infarction.
    2010- Engaged in research on the structure of glycosaminoglycans derived from biological samples.
Employment History
  • 200604-200803 Chiba University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Researcher
    200803-201003 Amine Pharma Research Institute, Postdoctoral Researcher
    201004-201803 Chiba University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Research Keyword Glycosaminoglycans, Polyamines, Aging, Stroke
Research Area
  • Physical pharmacy (Clinical and Analytical Biochemistry)
Research Theme
Academic Awards Received
  • 2023.9.9

    Carbohydrate Research JSCR42 Poster Award

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2023.1.1 - 2028.12.31

    FCCA (Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology)

  • 2021.10.6 - 2021.12.18

    The Japanese Society of Polyamine Research

  • 2019.2 - 2019.10

    Proteoglycans Future Leader Symposium 2019 Organizing Committee member

Guest Professor
  • 2018.4.1 - 2020.3.31

    千葉大学 (客員教員)