2025.2 - 2025.11
51st Annual meeting of solid-state ionics
Orgamizing committee
2023.3 - 2024.9
44th France-Japan Symposium on Li Batteries and Next Generation
2023.1 - 2023.9
7th Internatinal Conference on Advanced Capacitor
Local orgamizing committee
2022.12 - 2023.12
the 8th Internatinal Conference on Sodium Batteries
orgamizing committee
2022.2 - 2022.7
13th France-Japan Symposium on Li Batteries and Next Generation
Scientific Committee
2022.1 - 2022.9
73rd ISE Annual Meeting - Online
Symposium Organizer: Symposium 7 Lithium (sodium) Ion batteries: from materials to devices
2021.12 - 2022.12
the 7th Internatinal Conference on Sodium Batteries
orgamizing committee
2021.1 - 2025.3
ACS Applied Energy Materials (ACS, IF = 6.959), Editorial Advisory Board
Editorial Board Member
2021.1 - 2021.10
240th ECS Meeting in Orlando
Symposium Organizer: A02 Na and Li Intercalation Chemistry for Rechargeable Batteries - Special Symposium in Honor of Claude Delmas
2021.1 - 2021.12
Materials Research Meeting 2021 (MRS-Japan)
Symposium orgamizing committee
2019.1 - 2019.9
6th Internatinal Conference on Advanced Capactior
Local orgamizing committee
2018.12 - 2019.12
Materials Research Meeting 2019 (MRS-Japan)
Symposium orgamizing committee
2018.12 - 2019.12
the 6th Internatinal Conference on Sodium Batteries
orgamizing committee
2018.7 - 2018.12
5th International Conference on Na Batteries
Scientific Advisory Board
2018.1.1 - 2025.3.31
Scientific Report journal (IF = 4.99, Nature Publisher)
Editorial Board
2018.1 - 2018.9
The 12th Japan-France joint seminar on batteries
orgamizing committee
2017.12 - 2018.12
the 5th Internatinal Conference on Sodium Batteries
orgamizing committee
2017.1.1 - 2025.3.31
Electrochemistry Communications誌 (IF = 5.44, Elsevier)
Editorial Board
2017.1.1 - 2017.12.31
Scientific Report journal (IF = 5.22, Nature Publisher)
Editorial Board
2016.12 - 2017.12
Chair, the 4th Internatinal Conference on Sodium Batteries
2016.7 - 2016.12
3rd International Conference on Na Batteries
Scientific Advisory Board
2015.9 - 2017.4
The Chemical Society of Japan
Organizer of ATP session
2015.4 - 2015.10
IRSEC'2015 Conference
Scientific Committee
2014.10.1 - 2016.12.31
Scientific Report journal (IF = 5.07, Nature Publisher)
Editorial Board
2014.9 - 2015.10
ICMAT 2015 Conference, MRS
Sympossium Chair
2014.4 - 2014.10
IRSEC'2014 Conference
Scientific Committee
2014.1.1 - 2016.12.31
Electrochemistry Communications誌 (IF = 4.9, Elsevier)
Editorial Board
1998.10 - 2005.3
The Electrochemical Society of Japan