

FUJIMOTO Kenjiro  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(42)
Refereed Papers(100) | Refereed Proceedings(19) | Other Papers(12) | Publications(23) | Presentations(668) | Patent(5)
Address 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8510, Japan
TEL : +81-4-7124-1501
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1996, Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Industrial Chemistry 
Graduate School
  • 2001, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Science and Technology Department of Industrial Chemistry Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Tokyo University of Science Ph.D. in Engineering
Research History
  • 1995-present Preparation and characterization of single crystals and fine particles for one-dimensional tunnel-type and layer-type structure compounds
    2001-present Development of combinatorial technology for high-throughput exploration of multi-components inorganic materials and its application for energy/environmental materials and materials informatics
Employment History
  • 200102-200103 National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Combinatorial Project, Researcher
    200104-200303 National Institute for Materials Science, Combinatorial Project, Researcher
    200304-200503 Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Assistant Professor
    200304-200603 National Institute for Materials Science, Visiting Researcher
    200504-200803 Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Assistant Professor
    200605-201103 National Institute for Materials Science, Research Advisor
    200704-200803 Laboratoire de Cristallographie et de Modelisation des Materiaux Mineraux et Biologiques (LCM3B), UMR-CNRS 7036, Universite Henri Poincare Nancy 1, France [Overseas researcher, Tokyo University of Science], Researcher
    200804-201503 Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Junior Associate Professor
    201504-202203 Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Associate Professor
    202204-202303 Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Professor
    202304- Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Professor
    202404- National Institute for Materials Science, Visiting Researcher (concurrent post)
Research Keyword Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Combinatorial Technology, Materials Informatics
Research Area
  • Crystal engineering (Alloy, Ceramic, Crystal growth)
  • Inorganic chemistry (Inorganic Solid State Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Crystal Structure)
  • Synthetic chemistry (Combinatorial Synthesis)
  • Inorganic industrial materials (Ceramic, Alloy, Layered oxides, Ionic exchanger, ionic conductor, Catalysts)
  • Device related chemistry (Battery, Gas sensor)
  • Reaction engineering/Process system (Combinatorial Technology)
Research Theme
  • (1) High-throughput exploration of functional inorganic materials by integrating combinatorial technology and data science (2) Novel functional materials development by soft chemistry methods (3) Single crystal growth and structural analysis for functional evaluation and material discovery
Academic Awards Received
  • 2024.4.23

    Selected as a Supplementary Cover of

  • 2023.6.1

    Academic Award / The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan

  • 2014.6.12

    Best Poster Award / 18th International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solid

  • 2004.1.22

    World Young Fellow 2004 Presentation Award / 42th Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics

  • 2001.4.15

    60th Noteworthy Invention Award from Ministry Award of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

  • 2001.3.15

    Oral Presentation Award, Surface Finishing Society of Japan

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2023.7.25 - 2025.6

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Editorial committee

  • 2023.6 - 2025.6

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Executive board members

  • 2023.6 - 2025.6

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Chair of Academic committee

  • 2022.4 - 2027.3

    The Ceramic Society of Japan Representative, Informatics Research Group for Ceramics

  • 2021.7 - 2023.6

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Organization Committees Member of International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2023

  • 2021.7 - 2023.6

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan councillor (council member)

  • 2021.4 - 2026.3

    JST Hybrid Quantum Nano Technology Committee (R031) Member

  • 2021.4 - 2022.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee Member

  • 2020.4 - 2021.2.26

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee Member

  • 2019.7.20 - 2021.6.30

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Academic committee member

  • 2019.4 - 2022.9

    11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science International Advisory Board

  • 2019.4 - 2020.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee Member

  • 2018.4.20 - 2019.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan

  • 2018.4 - 2019.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2017.7.28 - 2019.6.30

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Academic committee member

  • 2017.7.28 - 2019.6.30

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Executive Committee Member of ISIEM2018 (International symposium)

  • 2017.5.11 - 2018.10.5

    10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science Local Organizing Committee Chair

  • 2017.5.11 - 2018.10.5

    10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science International Advisory Board

  • 2017.5.1 - 2018.3.11

    The Electrochemical Society of Japan Organizing Committee Member of 85th meeting

  • 2017.4.20 - 2018.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan

  • 2017.4 - 2018.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2016.5.2 - 2017.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan

  • 2016.4 - 2017.2.28

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2016.2 - 2018.2

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Council

  • 2015.6.1 - 2017.6.5

    The Ceramic Society of Japan Education Committee

  • 2015.5.28 - 2016.2.26

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan

  • 2014.11.1 - 2015.10.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Deputy

  • 2014.4 - 2015.2

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2014.2 - 2016.2

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Council

  • 2014.1 - 2014.3

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Organizing committee member of 129th meeting

  • 2013.10 - 2014.6

    Key Engineering Materials Guest chief editor

  • 2013.4 - 2014.2

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2012.4.1 - 2012.10.31

    7th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology Organizing committee member

  • 2012.4 - 2013.6

    The 11th International Conference on Ferrite Executive Committee Member

  • 2011.9 - 2014.9.30

    The Society of Inorganic Materials Japan Local Executive Committee member in 2nd International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials

  • 2011.7.23 - 2017.6.30

    The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Academic Committee menber

  • 2010.7 - 2011.12

    MaThCryst Workshop on Crystallographic Software, International Union of Crystallography Local Organizing Committee Chair

  • 2010.4.1 - 2021.3.31

    The Ceramic Society of Japan Education Committee

  • 2010.4.1 - 2010.10.29

    6th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology Organizing committee member

  • 2009.11.1 - 2011.10.31

    The Chemical Society of Japan Deputy

  • 2009.5.1 - 2015.5.31

    The Ceramics Society of Japan Editorial Committee Member of Ceramics Japan

  • 2009.4.1 - 2010.2.26

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Member od editorial board

  • 2008.10 - 2009.3

    Ceramics Society of Japan

  • 2008.4 - 2009.2

    The Surface Finishing Society of Japan Member od editorial board

Guest Professor