

KOGO Yasuo  Vice President
Tokyo University of Science
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(14)
Refereed Papers(168) | Refereed Proceedings(27) | Other Papers(65) | Publications(18) | Presentations(436) | Patent(1)
Address 6-3-1, Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-8585, Japan
TEL : +81-3-5876-1717
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1982, Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Department of Metallurgical Engineering 
Graduate School
  • 1984, Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering Master's Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • The University of Tokyo Dr. Eng.
Research History
Employment History
  • 1984-1992 Materials Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric co.
    1992-1996 The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Research Associates
    1996-1997 The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Associate Professor
    1997-2004 Tokyo University of Scinece, Associate Professor
    200404- Tokyo University of Scinece, Professor
Research Keyword composites, Engineering material, nano-material
Research Area
  • Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering (Composite materials, Strength, Toughness, Fracture, Indentation, FIB-CVD, DLC)
Research Theme
  • Study on Mechanical Properties of Ceramics Matrix Composites
Academic Awards Received
Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2011.1.7 - 2011.3.31

    Japan Society for Composite Materials

  • 2010.5.1 - 2012.4.30

    Japan Society for Composite Materials Editor in Chief

  • 2008.4.1 - 2012.3.31

    Japan Society for Composite Materials

Guest Professor