Address |
2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8510, Japan TEL : +81-4-7124-1501 ext : 4004 |
E-mail Address |
Homepage | |
Information about TUS |
Pure (Researcher Profiling Tool) | |
Under-Graduate School |
1990, The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering
Graduate School |
1993, University of Cambridge Graduate School, Division of Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Doctoral Degree
(Coursework completed without degree)
Postgraduate Qualification |
Research History |
Employment History |
1993-1995 Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University, Research associate
1995-2000 Department of Civil Engineering, Science University of Tokyo, Research associate
2000-2002 Department of Civil Engineering, Science University of Tokyo, Lecturer
2003-2006 Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Associate professor
2007- Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Associate professor
Research Keyword |
Geotechnical Engineering
Research Area |
- Geotechnical engineering (Soil liquefaction during earthquakes and associated problems)
Research Theme |
- Flow and settlement caused by soil liquefaction
- Assessment of liquefaction occurrence based on field testing
- Slope stability under rainfall and earthquake effects
- Evaluation of liquefaction remediation methods
- Soil liqeufqaction during earthquakes and associate phenomena
Academic Awards Received |
2021 Editorial Board Member Award (Soils and Foundations)
Certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing (Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier)
Telford Premium (best paper in journal of Ground Improvement)
Academic Society Affiliations |
2019.6.1 - 2022.5.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
Executive Board for editoral committee of Soils and Foundations
2018.11.30 - 2021.4
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2013.6.1 - 2015.5.31
Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
2012.8.21 - 2014.5.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2011.10.21 - 2014.3.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2011.7.22 - 2012.3.31
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
2011.6.1 - 2013.5.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2010.6.3 - 2011.5.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2010.4.1 - 2012.3.31
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
2009.10 - 2009.12
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2009.5.20 - 2011.6.30
International Society for Soil Mechancis and Geotechnical Engineering
International Advisory Committee, Geohunan International Conference II, Hunan, China
2009.5.20 - 2011.1.31
International Society for Soil Mechancis and Geotechnical Engineering
Scientific Committee, 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Santiago, Chile
2007.6.1 - 2009.12.31
Japanese Geotechnical Society
Secretary General of IS-Tokyo2009
2007.5 - 2010.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2006.6 - 2010.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2006.4 - 2010.3
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2006.4 - 2010.3
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2005.5 - 2008.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2004.12 - 2007.12
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2004.5 - 2010.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2004.5 - 2010.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2004.5 - 2008.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
2004.5 - 2007.5
Japanese Geotechnical Society
Guest Professor |