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Structures and issues of PTA in socio-cultural context in democratic countries of Japan, USA, and UK
[ 全著者名 ] Kazuko Takeo and Yasuhiro Omi
[ 掲載誌名 ] The 31st International Congress of Psychology
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 7月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語)
Developmental change of infant self-regulation as one aspect of mother-child joint development
[ 全著者名 ] Tadaharu Watanabe and Kazuko Takeo
[ 掲載誌名 ] The 31st International Congress of Psychology
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 7月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語)
Present state and issues of PTA in Japan - Focusing on conflicts between diversity of the PTA-active mothers' lifestyles and rigidity of the PTA organization
[ 全著者名 ] Kazuko Takeo
[ 掲載誌名 ] The 31st International Congress of Psychology
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 7月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語)
"What to" and "how to" study in self-regulatory research: Recent trends in view of various perspectives and approaches
[ 全著者名 ] Tadaharu Watanabe and Kazuko Takeo
[ 掲載誌名 ] The 31st International Congress of Psychology
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 7月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語)
Developmental of preschoolers' self-regulatory behavior facilitated by their mothers' responsive support
[ 全著者名 ] Akiyo Watanabe, Tadaharu Watanabe and Kazuko Takeo
[ 掲載誌名 ] The 31st International Congress of Psychology
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 7月
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語)
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