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Non-crosslinking aggregation of DNA-modified gold nanoparticles for gene diagnosis and directed assembly |
[ 全著者名 ] Wang, Guoqing; Akiyama, Yoshitsugu; Kanayama, Naoki; Takarada, Tohru; Maeda, Mizuo |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2017年 8月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Colorimetric SNP Genotyping Utilizing Colloidal Stability of Double-Stranded DNA-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Having a Dangling End |
[ 全著者名 ] Yoshitsugu Akiyama, Hiroto Shikagawa, Shota Shiraishi, Gouquing Wang, Naoki Kanayama, Takarada Takarada1, Mizuo Maeda |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 10th World Biomaterial Congress |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 5月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) study on the interaction between lectin and PEGylated gold nanoparticles possessing regulated density of lactose on the surface: Application to the high sensitive bioassay |
[ 全著者名 ] Takae, S., Akiyama, Y., Otsuka, H., Nakamura, T., Nagasaki, Y., Kataoka, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2004年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Novel synthesis of PEG/polycation block copolymers possessing a reactive PEG end group for high performance gene targeting |
[ 全著者名 ] Nagasaki, Y., Wakebayash, D., Akiyama, Y., Harada, A., Kataoka, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2000年 8月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |