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Liquefaction-Induced River Levee Failure at Miwa of Inba Along Tone River During 2011 Tohoku Earthquake |
[ 全著者名 ] Y. Tsukamoto, N. Kurosaka, S. Noda and H. Katayama |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Beijing 2022). PBD-IV 2022. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, vol 52. Springer, Cham. |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2022年 10月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Field Observations and Direct Shear Tests on the Volcanic Soils Responsible for Shallow Landslides During 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake |
[ 全著者名 ] S. Noda, H. Tanaka and Y. Tsukamoto |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Beijing 2022). PBD-IV 2022. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, vol 52. Springer, Cham. |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2022年 10月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Examining strength characteristics of improved soil by permeation grouting of ultra microfine cement for soil liquefaction countermeasure |
[ 全著者名 ] Hashimoto, K., Arai, Y., Hyodo, T. and Tsukamoto, Y. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June 17 - 20, 2019, Rome, Italy. |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2019年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Effects of ageing and stress history on liquefaction resistance of soils |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Nebuya, Y. and Noda, S. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June 17 - 20, 2019, Rome, Italy. |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2019年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Building up design basis for permeation grouting using ultra microfine cement to locally countermeasure against soil liquefaction |
[ 全著者名 ] K. Hashimoto, W. Wang, T. Hyodo, Y. Tsukamoto, S. Nishihara, S. Oji, S. Nishie and I. Seko |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III Vancouver 2017) |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2017年 7月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Influence of degree of saturation on liquefaction resistance and undrained shear strength of silty sands |
[ 全著者名 ] Y.Tsukamoto |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III Vancouver 2017) |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2017年 7月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Liquefaction-induced river levee failure during 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake: case history with Swedish weight sounding tests |
[ 全著者名 ] T. Hyodo, Y.Tsukamoto and H. Katayama |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III Vancouver 2017) |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2017年 7月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Development of rational soil liquefaction countermeasure consisting of lattice-shaped soil improvement by jet grouting for existing housing estates |
[ 全著者名 ] Yamauchi, T., Tezuka, H. and Tsukamoto, Y. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, eds. Hemanta Hazarika, Motoki Kazama and Wei F. Lee, SpringerEngineering, Vol.37, Springer |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Use of Swedish weight sounding tests for detecting liquefiable backfills reclaimed in iron sand mining pits in Asahi city of Chiba in Japan |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Kawabe, S. and Kanemitsu, S. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, eds. Hemanta Hazarika, Motoki Kazama and Wei F. Lee, SpringerEngineering, Vol.37, Springer |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Effects of overconsolidation, cement stabilisation and unsaturation on the liquefaction resistance of Urayasu sand |
[ 全著者名 ] Hagiwara, S., Tsukamoto, Y. and Kawabe, S. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, eds. Hemanta Hazarika, Motoki Kazama and Wei F. Lee, SpringerEngineering, Vol.37, Springer |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2016年 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Developing geotechnology for permeation grouting of ultra microfine cement to locally countermeasure against soil liquefaction |
[ 全著者名 ] Hashimoto, K., Nishihara, S., Oji, S., Kanazawa, T., Nishie, S., Seko, I., Tamada, T., Hyodo, T. and Tsukamoto, Y. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2015年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Some recent applications of Swedish weight sounding tests to earthquake reconnaissance investigations |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Hyodo, T. and Fuki, N. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2015年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Use of field penetration tests in evaluating occurrence of soil liquefaction at reclaimed deposits during 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu Earthquake |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y. and Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2011年 1月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Group effects of rigid circular foundations on post-liquefaction settlement |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Ishihara, K., Sawada, S. and Fujiwara, S. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2011年 1月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Importance of effects of partial saturation on undrained shear strength of soils |
[ 全著者名 ] T.Kamata, Y.Tsukamoto & K.Ishihara |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - from case history to practice - |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2009年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Determining the undrained residual strength of soils from field penetration tests with some case history studies |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - from case history to practice - |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2009年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Fluidisation and subsidence of gently sloped farming fields reclaimed with volcanic soils during 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake in Japan |
[ 全著者名 ] Y. Tsukamoto, K. Ishihara, T. Kokusho, T. Hara & Y. Tsutsumi |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Earthquake Geotechnical Case Histories for Performance-based Design |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2009年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Basic procedures for performance-based design of earth structures considering effects of soil liquefaction |
[ 全著者名 ] J.Obayashi, Y.Adachi, K.Harada, S.Ito, M.Okamura, W.Takanashi & Y.Tsukamoto |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - from case history to practice - |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2009年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Some recent findings in evaluating stress-strain properties of sandy soils from pressuremeter |
[ 全著者名 ] Masuda, K., Tsukamoto, Y. and Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, (A-B. Huang and P.W. Mayne eds.) |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2008年 4月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Small strain properties and cyclic resistance of clean sand improved by silicate-based permeation grouting |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Ishihara, K., Umeda, K., Enomoto, T., Sato, J., Hirakawa, D. and Tatsuoka, F. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Soil Stress – Strain Behavior : Measurement, Modeling and Analysis, A Collection of Papers of the Geotechnical Symposioum in Rome, March 16 – 17, 2006, (eds. H.I. Ling, L. Callisto, D. Leshchinsky and J. Koseki) |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2008年 3月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Possibility of undrained flow in saturated sandy soils in triaxial tests |
[ 全著者名 ] Kamata, T., Tsukamoto, Y., Tatsuoka, F. and Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2007年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Undrained flow characteristics of partially saturated sandy soils in triaxial tests |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Kamata, T., Tatsuoka, F. and Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2007年 6月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
さまざまな飽和砂質土の三軸圧縮・伸張下における残留強度 |
[ 全著者名 ] 塚本良道、鎌田敏幸、龍岡文夫、石原研而 |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2006年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(日本語) |
5連セル型プレッシャメータによる砂質土の動的性質の推定方法 |
[ 全著者名 ] 益田和夫、中村正博、塚本良道、石原研而 |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2006年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(日本語) |
Characteristics of undrained residual strength of partially saturated sand in triaxial tests |
[ 全著者名 ] Kamata, T., Tsukamoto, Y., Tatsuoka, F., Ishihara. K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of New Zealand Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering – 2006, 20-21 November 2006, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, eds. M. Cubrinovski & M. Pender |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2006年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
不完全飽和状態にある砂の三軸圧縮・伸張下における残留強度 |
[ 全著者名 ] 鎌田敏幸、塚本良道、龍岡文夫、石原研而、中村滋、斉藤朋子 |
[ 掲載誌名 ] 第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2006年 11月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(日本語) |
Use of small-diameter plastic vertical drains in sand deposits against seismically induced lateral spreading in centrifuge model tests |
[ 全著者名 ] Imamura, S., Hirano, T., Hagiwara, T. Sato, Y., Miyazaki, K., Tsukamoto, Y., Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2006, Ng, Zhang & Wang (eds), Taylor & Francis |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2006年 8月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Residual strength of soil involved in earthquake-induced Iandslides |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto, Y., Ishihara, K. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceeding of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Satelite Conference, Osaka, Japan, 10/Setember/2005, TC4-ISSMGE |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2005年 9月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Case studies on evaluation of liquefaction resistance of imperfectly saturated soil deposits |
[ 全著者名 ] Nakazawa, H., Ishihara, K., Tsukamoto, Y., Kamata, T. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of International Conference on Cyclic Behaviour of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2004年 3月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |
Residual deformation characteristics of partially saturated sandy soils subjected to seismic excitation |
[ 全著者名 ] Tsukamoto,Y., Ishihara,K., Sawada,S., Kanno,T. |
[ 掲載誌名 ] Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering |
[ 掲載年月 ] 2004年 1月 |
[ 著作区分 ] レフェリー付プロシーディングス(外国語) |