

MIYANO Takashi  Assistant Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design
Profile | Topics | Assigned Courses(7)
Refereed Papers(6) | Refereed Proceedings(7) | Presentations(17)
Address 6-3-1, Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-8585, Japan
TEL : +81-3-5876-1717  ext : 1769
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 2013, Okayama University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science faculty of pharmaceutical sciences 
Graduate School
  • 2015, Okayama University Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences pharmaceutical science Master's Degree
  • 2023, Tokyo Metropolitan University(東京都立大学) Graduate School, Division of Engineering mechanical systems engineering Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Tokyo Metropolitan University(東京都立大学) Doctor (Engineering)
Research History
  • 2024 - Research on mechanisms of mechanotransduction and interactions in the oral cavity
    2024 - Research on the relationship between oral and systemic health using medical claim data
    2015 - 2024 Exploratory research on novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular and neurological diseases
    2019 - 2023 Research on mechanobiology in tubular epithelial cells
    2021 - 2023 Research on the relationship between oral and systemic health using medical claim data
    2012 - 2015 Research on behavioral and neural circuitry deficits in Alzheimer's disease models
Employment History
Research Keyword biomedical engineering, cellular biomechanics, pharmacology
Research Area
  • Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering (biomedical engineering, cellular biomechanics, pharmacology)
  • Medical and hospital management (medical data analysis)
Research Theme
  • Oral mechanobiology
Academic Awards Received
Academic Society Affiliations
Guest Professor