

ITOU Hiromichi  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science Division II, Department of Mathematics
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(11)
Refereed Papers(43) | Refereed Proceedings(6) | Other Papers(18) | Publications(6) | Presentations(130)
Address 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan
TEL : +81-3-3260-4271  ext : 3224
E-mail Address
Homepage (English)
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1999, Keio University Faculty of Science and Engineering 
Graduate School
  • 2004, Keio University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Keio University Ph.D
Research History
  • 2004 - 2006 Engaged in research on the crack propagation problem and linear singular integral equations
    2007 - 2009 Engaged in research on the reconstruction problems of crack and nonlinear elasticity
    2009 - 2012 Engaged in research on the singularities at the crack tip
Employment History
  • 2004-2013 Faculty of Engineering of Gunma University, Assistant professor
    2004- Keio University, Research fellow of COE program
    2007-2008 Texas A&M University (U.S.), Visiting Scholar
    2007- University of Graz (Austria), Visitor
    201304-201803 Faculty of Science Tokyo University of Science, Junior Associate Professor
    2016-2017 University of Graz (Austria), Visitor
    201803-201805 Novosibirsk State University, Associate professor
Research Keyword Partial differential equations
Research Area
  • Basic analysis
Research Theme
  • JSPS and RFBR under the Japan - Russia Research Cooperative Program (project № J19-721) "Mathematical analysis of fracture phenomena for elastic structures and its applications"
  • Theoretical and numerical analysis on inverse crack problems by means of the enclosure method
  • The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Project P26147-N26 "Object Identification Problems: Numerical Analysis (PION)"
  • Mathematical analysis on destructive phenomenon
Academic Awards Received
  • 2022.8.2

    Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2021

  • 2022.1

    Top Downloaded Articles 2021

  • 2022.1

    Top Downloaded Articles 2021

  • 2020.10

    Best papers of 2019 and 2020

  • 2019.12.21

    Hukuhara Prize, Division of Functional Equations, The Mathematical Society of Japan

  • 2010.4.23

    The Best Presentation Award 2009

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2024.5.28 - 2026.5.27

    The Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems (EAIP) member of the Steering Committee

  • 2024.5.26 - 2024.6.1

    11th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation" (IPMS 2024) International Program Committee member

  • 2023.4.1 - 2025.3.31

    Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

  • 2022.10.12 - 2025.3.31

    Inverse Problems International Association member

  • 2022.5.22 - 2022.5.28

    10th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation" International Program Committee member

  • 2021.8 - 2023.8.25

    International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Member of Local Scientific Program Committee

  • 2021.4.1 - 2025.3.31

    SUT Journal of Mathematics editor

  • 2020.1.1 - 2025.3.31

    Applications in Engineering Science Editorial Board Member

  • 2018.5.21 - 2018.5.25

    9th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation" International Organizing Committee member

  • 2017.3.25 - 2021.12.31

    Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (IPSE) Associate Editor

  • 2017.1.25 - 2017.1.27

    RIMS conference "Inverse problems for partial differential equations and related areas" Organizer

  • 2016.4.1 - 2022.3.31

    Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

  • 2015.3.7 - 2025.3.31

    The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Organizer of the activity group Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics

  • 2014.2.1 - 2025.3.31

    Mathematical Inverse Problems

  • 2013.10 - 2025.3.31

    The Japan Society of Mathematical Education member

  • 2013.3.1 - 2025.3.31

    Mathematical notes of NEFU (North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk)

  • 2010.3 - 2025.3

    American Mathematical Society Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews

  • 2010.1 - 2025.3

    Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

  • 2000.9 - 2025.3

    The mathematical society of Japan member

Guest Professor
  • 2023.10.1 - 2024.3.31

    国立大学法人広島大学 大学院先進理工系科学研究科