

Hashimoto Takuya  Associate Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Profile | Assigned Courses(21)
Refereed Papers(21) | Refereed Proceedings(51) | Other Papers(6) | Publications(1) | Presentations(123) | Patent(6)
Address 6-3-1, Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-8585, Japan
TEL : +81-3-5876-1717  ext : 6524
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 2004, Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering 
Graduate School
  • 2009, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Tokyo University of Science Dr. of Engineering
Research History
  • 2003.4- Study on Development of Receptionist System with Android Robot 2004.4- Study on Multi Communicational Functions of Android Type Comunication System 2006.4- Study on Realizing Humanity of Android Robot
Employment History
  • 200904- Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Assistant Professor
Research Keyword Intelligent Mechanics / Mechanical System
Research Area
  • Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Research Theme
Academic Awards Received
  • 2017.11

    IWACIII2017 Session Best Presentation Award

  • 2016.11

    ISCIIA2016 Session Best Presentation Award

  • 2011.11.21

    IWACIII2011 Session Best Presentation Award

Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2009.4 - 2010.4

    HUROBINT, The Robotics Society of Japan

Guest Professor