2023.6.1 - 2025.6.1
The Japan Statistical Society
2023.4.1 - 2025.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2023.4.1 - 2024.3.31
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2023.4.1 - 2024.3.31
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Associate Editor
2023.1.1 - 2025.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2023.1.1 - 2025.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2022.6 - 2024.6
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2022.4.1 - 2023.3.31
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Associate Editor
2022.4.1 - 2023.3.31
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2022.4 - 2024.3
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2022.4 - 2024.3
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2021.6.1 - 2023.6.1
The Japan Statistical Society
2021.4.1 - 2023.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2021.4.1 - 2022.3.31
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2021.4.1 - 2022.3.31
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Associate Editor
2021.1.1 - 2022.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2021.1.1 - 2022.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2020.4.1 - 2021.3.31
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Associate Editor
2020.4.1 - 2021.3.31
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2020.4 - 2022.3
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2020.4 - 2022.3
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2019.6.8 - 2021.6.8
The Japan Statistical Society
2019.4.1 - 2021.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2019.4 - 2020.3
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2019.1.1 - 2020.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2019.1.1 - 2020.3.31
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Associate Editor
2019.1.1 - 2020.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2018.4 - 2020.3
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2018.4 - 2019.3
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2018.4 - 2019.3
Colloquium Biometricum (the official periodical of the Polish Biometrical Society)
Associate Editor
2017.4.1 - 2019.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2017.4 - 2018.3
Colloquium Biometricum (the official periodical of the Polish Biometrical Society)
Associate Editor
2017.4 - 2018.3
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2017.1.1 - 2018.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2017.1.1 - 2018.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2017.1.1 - 2018.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2016.4 - 2018.4
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2016.4 - 2018.4
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2016.3.1 - 2017.2.28
The Mathematical Society of Japan
2015.6.13 - 2017.6.12
The Japan Statistical Society
2015.3.1 - 2016.2.29
The Mathematical Society of Japan
2015.1.1 - 2016.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2015.1.1 - 2016.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2014.4 - 2017.3
Colloquium Biometricum (the official periodical of the Polish Biometrical Society)
Associate Editor
2014.4 - 2016.4
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2013.6 - 2017.3
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences(Scientific Journal)
Associate Editor
2013.1.1 - 2014.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2013.1.1 - 2014.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2012.5 - 2014.5
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2012.5 - 2014.5
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2011.9 - 2012.9
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2011.4.1 - 2013.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2011.1.1 - 2012.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2011.1 - 2011.3.31
The Japan Statistical Society
2011.1 - 2012.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2010.11.6 - 2011.9.30
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2010.9 - 2011.3.31
Japan Statistical Society
2010.9 - 2012.9
Japan Statistical Society
2010.9 - 2012.9
Japan Statistical Society
2010.4.1 - 2012.3.31
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2010.4.1 - 2012.3.31
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2009.10.1 - 2010.9.30
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2009.1.1 - 2010.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2009.1.1 - 2010.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2008.10.1 - 2009.9.30
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2008.9 - 2010.9
Japan Statistical Society
2008.9 - 2010.9
Japan Statistical Society
2008.9 - 2010.9
Japan Statistical Society
2008.6 - 2010.6
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2008.4.1 - 2010.3.31
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2008.3 - 2009.3
6th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures MCP2009
Local Organizers
2007.10.1 - 2008.9.30
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations
2007.1.1 - 2008.12.31
Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
2006.9.1 - 2008.8.31
Japan Statistical Society
2006.9.1 - 2008.8.31
Japan Statistical Society
2006.9.1 - 2008.8.31
Japan Statistical Society
2006.9 - 2008.9
Japan Statistical Society
2004.4.1 - 2006.3.31
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
2002.9.1 - 2004.8.31
Japan Statistical Society
2002.9.1 - 2004.8.31
Japan Statistical Society
2000.7 - 2002.8
Japan Statistical Society
2000.7 - 2002.8
Japan Statistical Society
1999.9 - 2000.7
Japan Statistical Society