

AOKI Hiroki  Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics
Profile | Topics | Laboratories | Assigned Courses(21)
Refereed Papers(13) | Refereed Proceedings(3) | Other Papers(19) | Publications(3) | Presentations(93)
Address 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8510, Japan
TEL : +81-4-7124-1501  ext : 3118
E-mail Address
Information about TUS
(Researcher Profiling Tool)
Under-Graduate School
  • 1994, Kyoto University Faculty of Science (Grade-Skipping)
Graduate School
  • 2000, Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Doctoral Degree
Postgraduate Qualification
  • Kyoto University Master(Sience)
  • Kyoto University Doctor(Sience)
Research History
  • 1994- Research on modular forms
Employment History
  • 200004-200203 Ritumeikan University, Reseach Associate
    200204-200303 Research Institute for Mathematical Siences, Kyoto University, Reseach Assistant
    200304-201003 Tokyo University of Sience, Lecturer (Jr. Assoc. Prof.)
    201004- Tokyo University of Scienece, Associate Professor
Research Keyword Algebra, Modular forms
Research Area
  • Algebra (modular forms)
Research Theme
  • About modular forms
Academic Awards Received
Academic Society Affiliations
  • 2024.1.22 - 2024.1.26

    RIMS conference "Research on Automorphic forms" Chief Organizer

  • 2024.1.20 - 2024.1.20

    2024 International workshop on algebra at TUS-Noda Organizer

  • 2023.1.23 - 2023.1.27

    RIMS conference Deputy representative

  • 2022.10.31 - 2022.11.4

    23rd Autumn Workshop on number theory Organizer

  • 2019.10.30 - 2019.11.3

    22nd Autumn Workshop on number theory "Application of Arthur's multiplicity formula to Siegel modular forms" Organizer

  • 2018.4.1 - 2019.3.31

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics Vice Chairman

  • 2017.11.20 - 2017.11.24

    3rd Japanese-German Number Theory Workshop Organizer

  • 2016.11.2 - 2016.11.6

    19th Autumn Workshop on number theory 「Archimedean local theory of automorphic forms」 Organizer

  • 2016.8.22 - 2016.8.26

    Summer School on number theory 2016 「p-adic families of modular froms」 Organizer

  • 2015.11.6 - 2015.11.10

    18th Autumn Workshop on number theory 「Geometrical Applications of Modular Forms of Several Variables」 Organizer

  • 2015.5.14 - 2015.5.15

    2015 Joint Workshop: Geometry and Analysis @ Noda Organizer

  • 2014.11.5 - 2014.11.9

    17th Autumn Workshop on number theory 「Explicit theory of Jacobi forms and modular forms of several variables」 Organizer

  • 2014.4.1 - 2016.3.31

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics Editor

Guest Professor
  • 2008.4.1 - 2009.3.31

    Universitaet Siegen