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Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Automatically Extract Key Story Elements in Japanese Television Dramas
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono, Ane Ukita, Hayato Ohwada
[ 学会・会議名 ] IEEE 22nd International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC'23)
[ 発表日付 ] 2023年8月21日 ~ 8月21日
XAI-Based Decision-Making Support Tool for Selecting the Initial Coil in Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment
[ 共同発表者名 ] Toshiki KOSHIBA, Soichiro FUJIMURA, Genki KUDO, Niken P. Martono, Hiroyuki TAKAO, Makoto YAMAMOTO, Yuichi MURAYAMA, Toshihiro ISHIBASHI, Hayato OHWADA
[ 学会・会議名 ] IEEE 22nd International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC'23)
[ 発表日付 ] 2023年8月21日 ~ 8月21日
Development of A Real-Time Automatic Water Break Detection in Mare Using Image Recognition
[ 共同発表者名 ] Tom Uchino, Riku Koyama, Hayato Ohwada, Niken Prasasti Martono, Takashi Hatazoe
[ 学会・会議名 ] 28th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics
[ 発表日付 ] 2023年1月25日
Interpreting Arrhythmia Classification Using Deep Neural Network and CAM-Based Approach
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] 6th International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
[ 発表日付 ] 2022年12月26日
Efficient estimation of cows' location using machine learning based on sensor data
[ 共同発表者名 ] Tomohide Sawada, Tom Uchino, Niken P. Martono, Hayato Ohwada
[ 学会・会議名 ] EAI AICON 2022 - 4th EAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks
[ 発表日付 ] 2022年12月1日
ECG Signal Classification Using Recurrence Plot-Based Approach and Deep Learning for Arrhythmia Prediction
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
[ 発表日付 ] 2022年11月28日 ~ 11月30日
Financial Distress Model Prediction using Machine Learning: A Case Study on Indonesia’s Consumers Cyclical Companies
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] The Seventh Workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
[ 発表日付 ] 2022年9月23日
Discovering Rules of Subtle Deficits Indicating Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Inductive Logic Programming
[ 共同発表者名 ] Keisuke Abe, Niken Prasasti Martono, Takehiko Yamaguchi, Hayato Ohwada, Tania Giovannetti
[ 学会・会議名 ] Human Interface and the Management of Information: Supporting Learning, Decision-Making and Collaboration
[ 発表日付 ] 2017年7月9日
Generating Rules of Action Transition in Errors in Daily Activities from a Virtual Reality-Based Training Data
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono, Keisuke Abe, Takehiko Yamaguchi, Hayato Ohwada, Tania Giovannetti
[ 学会・会議名 ] International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
[ 発表日付 ] 2017年7月9日
Utilizing finger movement data to cluster patients with everyday action impairment.
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono, Takehiko Yamaguchi, Hayato Ohwada
[ 学会・会議名 ] International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing, ICCI*CC 2016
[ 発表日付 ] 2016年8月22日
Improving Behavior Prediction Accuracy by Using Machine Learning for Agent-Based Simulation
[ 共同発表者名 ] Shinji Hayashi, Niken Prasasti, Hayato Ohwada
[ 学会・会議名 ] Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
[ 発表日付 ] 2016年3月16日
Utilizing Customers' Purchase and Contract Renewal Details to Predict Defection in the Cloud Software Industry
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] Proceedings of Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Services - 13th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2014
[ 発表日付 ] 2014年12月1日
Applicability of machine-learning techniques in predicting customer defection
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET) 2014
[ 発表日付 ] 2014年5月27日
Customer Lifetime Value and Defection Possibility Prediction Model Using Machine Learning: An Application to a Cloud-Based Software Company
[ 共同発表者名 ] Niken Prasasti Martono
[ 学会・会議名 ] Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems Conference
[ 発表日付 ] 2014年4月7日 ~ 4月9日
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